Not your typical...

...outfit post.  But hey, the reggae club picture guy decided to have a mini-photoshoot of sorts with me and my friends, so why let the pics go to waste? haha

Before we went to this spot, we attended a "Grey & White Party".  Yes, grey and white and I have no idea why those particular colors, so don't ask. lol

Tank - Arden B.
White Jeans - Urban Outfitters
Belt - Guess
Necklace - Vintage
Teal bra - Victoria's Secret (since she insisted on making an appearance)

I wanted to love you...

...but alas, I didn't.  I kept hearing your name (brown rice pasta) pop up in blogs and healthy recipe sites, so  I knew I had to try you out.  I just wasn't that fond of your texture.  Mushy much?  Or maybe I need practice in cooking you.  Nevertheless, I will just stick to my regular old grocery store whole wheat pasta, which works for me seeing as I've only seen you at Whole Paycheck--er, Foods.  And since I'm not on that whole "gluten-free" bandwagon, no real need for me to stick with you.  Plus the whole wheat kind, too me, has the same texture and taste as regular pasta with just as much, if not more, fiber than you.  At least I tried!

Best Wash-n-Go EVER

Lets talk hair.  Shall we?

After my trip to Negril, I flat ironed my hair and proceeded to trim about 2 inches off of it.  Which is why you see my hair is straight in the Memorial Day weekend photos.  I just felt like my hair took a bit of abuse while on vacay, and just felt like my hair could use a little "refresher".  While on vacay, I ended up wearing a lot of wash-n-gos which was even surprising to me. One, being that I'm not really a fan of wash-n-gos on myself because of the tangled hair, but also because I usually don't really like the way my hair looks, and two, as much as I love the beach and hanging out by the pool, I don't usually get my hair wet.  I don't not get my hair wet for my hair's sake.  I'm just not really the type to be in the water all swimming and ish--I tend to get in and just chill, wading with my drink in hand. haha  So I figured I'd pretty much wear a braidout the whole time.  Well, surprise surprise, I did end up swimming and ish, playing pool volleyball, etc.  So I said eff it and wash-and-went the whole time.  This caused me after I returned home to maybe rethink my wash-n-go stance.  Maybe, just maybe, it is possible to get my wash-n-gos to look the way that I'd like....which is more defined.  I feel like in the past, for the most part it starts out looking defined, but ends up in a frizzy mess by midday.

Well ya'll, there is a new sheriff in town.  And by sheriff, I mean a new combo of products, and I now believe I have established the wash-n-go of CHAMPIONS.  This just might end up being my go-to style for the summer. (Don't hold me to that.  Matter of fact, I'm sure you've learned not to hold me to anything when it comes to my hair.)

Pics with the shades are the first day. Brown dress is second day hair.

Products used:

-TRESemme Naturals Radiant Volume Conditioner (it's silicon-free, and shout out to Sophia of Kiffe Coco of whom I bought this after she mentioned it on her blog)
-Coconut Oil
-Flaxseed Gel (Yep, I made some myself.  Thought I'd see what all the hype was about.  I think the hype may be warranted.  Not totally sure though if my definition was mostly from the conditioner or this.) Tutorial on how to make your own found HERE.

What I did:

I co-washed my hair in the shower with a random cheapo conditioner, rinsed it out and then applied the TRESemme conditioner to my hair and pinned it up with a clip as I showered.  Before I got out of the shower. I let down my hair and wrung my hair out  REALLY well to get out excess water and conditioner. I DID NOT rinse the TRESemme out.  I then clipped my hair back up so that I could rinse the conditioner I'd squeezed out off of my body and then got out of the shower.  I immediately applied coconut oil throughout my hair and last applied my homemade flaxseed gel throughout my hair.  Because my hair was still dripping wet, I pulled it back into one big twist, clipped it up and wrapped it in a towel for about 15 minutes.  After removing the towel, I'd let it air dry to about 75% dry and then I diffused it the rest of the way.

All I can tell you is that this is one of the most defined wash-n-gos that I've ever had.  I don't even think the pictures are doing it that much justice.  I know many naturals use regular conditioner as a styler, but I've always been somewhat reluctant to do it.  I've tried it a few times, but not with results like this.  I even pulled my hair up into a ponytail at one point and then let back down a while later and it fell right back into place--curls still defined!  I ended up wearing the initial wash-n-go for 3 DAYS and it could have gone longer if I wore a puff.  I'm sold!

Just thought I'd share!

What's Upper?

Hey ya'll!  Sorry I haven't been very blog-ilicious lately.  I just haven't been that motivated!  And because this isn't my "job" and I don't make any (real) money from this--I purposely try not to force it.  I want to remain organic with it and blog when I really get the urge or have something to share.  Anyways....

So how was everyone's Memorial Day weekend?  Mine was great.  Great meaning VERY chill.  Went to one backyard barbecue and the rest of the time just hung out with my little family.  I did try a new restaurant in my 'hood for the first time, and was pretty pleased.  It's called Doc Chey's Noodle House (the Grant Park location).  I guess it's like an "Asian fusion" kind of spot, i.e. you'll find some Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese offerings on the menu.  I had a spicy basil noodle Thai dish with shrimp and the hubs had spice Szechuan chicken with brown rice (he's on a health kick. lol).  Anyway, everything was muy delicioso and we'll definitely make this one of our regular spots.  Plus, kids eat free on the weekends!  Can't beat that!  They have a lovely patio by the way.

The shrimp were buried under the noodles.

Szechuan chicken & brown rice

That face says it all on how he feels about my camera in his face.

The baby is huge. lol

Until next time...

Jamaica Jamaica

Hey you guys, so I'm back from JA.  We had a great time.  I took pics--not a whole lot, but here are some of them...

The purpose of the trip was to attend and be in one of my good friend's wedding.  It was a beautiful event in a gorgeous locale.

Of course during the trip, me and the hubs were able to get in a little R & R...

By the way, I experienced the most hair shrinkage I'd ever experienced since being natural.  It was SO humid, due to it raining sporadically here and there.  They're in their rainy season.

We also made some new friends...

The "friends" in this pic you can't see.  I wanted to get an "in the water" shot, next thing I know I was surrounded by little fish.  This is my reaction. I was a little taken aback for a sec. lol

There were beautiful sights...

Oh and I did call myself trying to take some outfit posts.  After this first attempt--I couldn't be bothered. haha  Old clearance F21 dress. I think it cost me 8 bucks.  I fell in love with the bird print.  Shoes by Zara.  Do you see how tan I am?!

Oh, and one more gratuitous bathing suit shot...

Now, I do have quite a few other pics--but it's such a chore trying to figure out which to post.  So I'll just leave you with this.  All in all, we had an awesome time. :)

P.S.  Congrats to Suze & Jabari!!!

Keen on Quinoa

So on my quest of eating healthier and making it a way of life for my family, I've been experimenting and trying new things.  The latest "new thing" is quinoa.  I'm on the bandwagon.  I've been making it regularly for the past month, and I must say that it's a great alternative/substitute for white rice and a good way to give brown rice (what I usually use) a break especially seeing that brown rice takes about 45 minutes to cook.  I won't bore you with the nutritional properties of quinoa--we all have Google, but I will say it contains a good amount of fiber and lots of protein!

Remember my Key West Grilled Chicken post?  Well, I made it another time using shrimp instead as well as substituting quinoa for the rice in my quick Jamaican style rice 'n peas.  It was so delicious!!  Even the hubs liked it.  Plus, I love how they "pop" in your mouth while eating them.  Or is that just me?

I've also used a boxed quinoa blend that I picked up from the grocery.  I really really enjoyed this-- almost more than my own quinoa n' peas that I'd made.  I suggest you all check your local grocer to see if they carry it.  I will be using this often as a side dish.  They also have other flavors, by the way.

So let me suggest to you, if you haven't already tried it, go get some quinoa!  You can find lots of different recipes all over the net.  The health benefits are worth it to try!

Until next time...


Just a quick picture post.  Follow me on Instagram -->@NikStarWasHere

1. Two-strand twists I put in today. They're still damp here and should plump up a bit more once dry.

2. Watermelon sorbet mixed with Kiwi-strawberry sorbet with fresh strawberries from Yogli Mogli (the rogue gummy bear is my kid's.) So yummy!

3. Healthy eating! Cooking your own dried beans is healthier than canned beans. Canned goods contain BPA.

4. The owner of this Smart Car decided to customize it a bit. lol

1. Pinot Grigio is one of my favorite white wines to drink in the warmer months. Decided to try this brand because I have two sisters--can you guess which one I am?

2. My I need coffee face.

3. Chillaxing on the bed with my boys.  They always have to be right up under me. *sigh*

4. Yep, I still make Kool-Aid.

Have a great weekend!

More Weekend Mentions...

This weekend was pretty low key for me.  Sunday, me and the fam were out and about and had a really nice outdoor lunch at one of my fave "kinda' restaurants" called F2O (Fresh to Order).  There are several of these around town.  I say "kinda" because the food and interior is what I consider as full restaurant quality, but it's one of those places that you place your order at the counter, they give you a number, you go seat yourself, and they bring your food out to you, and that's it.  Anyway, they have one of the best salmon paninis and their wild mushroom soup is to die for.  Obviously that's my plate you see.  And just a quick shot of my boys! Please disregard Cruz's milk mouth.

Lastly, I was wondering if any of you have tried Target's little "gourmet" frozen pizzas they sell by Archer Farms?  Well, I tried the spinach & goat cheese as you can see.  They are usually sold out in my local store, actually.  I have a fetish for goat cheese which is why I went with this one, but they have other varieties.  I have to say, this pizza was pretty darn good, especially for a $3.99 pizza.  The only thing I would change are the "disks" of goat cheese--it makes it look factory made. lol  They should try making it look more like dollops instead.  I'll definitely keep one or two of these in the freezer for quick fixes in the future.

Well, hope you all had great weekends!  What did you do?

I could never imagine a life without bacon...

...or barbecued ribs--and there is no way I could quit seafood.  I mean really, I visit an island a few+ times a year, and you think I'm not eating seafood?!

So with conviction, I can tell you guys that I will NEVER be a vegetarian.  Having said all of that, I DO admire vegetarianism and realize there are some health benefits to be had by going that route.  So as a quest of broadening me and my family's horizons--I've decided that we will have 2 meatless dinners a week.  By 2, I mean that I'll be making one vegetarian meal and having leftovers another day.  I'm curious as to how vegetarians organize a meal, because to me, it seems like they just stick a bunch of "side dishes" together and call it a meal. lol  Now, I realize that's my meat-eating way of thinking, that a dish without meat is somehow a "side dish"--so I would like to see if this venture will change my way of looking at food.

So, the first thing I did was buy a vegetarian cookbook.  I bought "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone" by Deborah Madison.

It was mentioned a few times in reviews of other vegetarian cookbooks so I did some research and bought it off of eBay actually.  There are a few other vegetarian cookbooks I plan to get, as well as this "The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes" book I've been eyeing.  I am all about crockpot cooking--not to mention, I find that I enjoy most vegetarian Indian dishes (so it should be useful for my vegetarian and non-vegetarian days).  I'll let you guys know how it goes and will definitely share some recipes!

Hope you have an awesome weekend!

P.S.  That book is MASSIVE, and it doesn't have pictures. :/  I still plan to use it, but am getting a simpler vegetarian cookbook soon with pics.  I'll will let you all know which one I get!

One Lovely Blog Award...

I've been awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" by Jeni of Just Grow Already (who's blog is quite lovely itself).  Thank you so very much!  In accepting the award I have to list 7 random things about myself:

1) I eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon.
2) I just tried Nutella out for the very first time in my life last week.  I've been depriving myself!
3) I was born and raised in Indiana.
4) My favorite flowers are tulips and callalilies.
5) I've never been able to keep a plant alive aside from cacti (I have a few in the house).
6) I drink Cuban coffee every morning. One of the things that stuck from living in Miami.
7) I met my hubs in a club.  Yes, a nightclub.

Here are a few other lovely blogs:

Love & Tangles
Kiffe Coco
My Thrifty Closet
The Mane Topic
Delighted Momma
Doing Me. Mind, Body & Spirit
A Stylized Hysteria
Cute Chicks Cook
 Mimi G.
Simplistic Chic
Girl With The Flower
Tipa Tipa
Georgia Mae


I'm thinking it's become painfully obvious that I love ethnic prints!  Anyway, I was heading to a daytime birthday celebration at one of my favorite spots for mojitos, music and fun!  This shirt was actually something I threw in my online shopping cart on just to push me over 50 bucks so that I could get free shipping.  It only cost me like 8 bucks!  Needless to say, when I received my goods it was actually my favorite item.  Funny, right?

Jacket - Gap
Tank - F21
Jeggings - F21
Shoes - some random brand from TJ Maxx

Happy Monday!

No Vacancy!

Our tenants are back. haha  We have built-in planters on our upstairs windows on our house.  Since I've slacked on actually putting pretty flowers in them--a little momma bird has made one of them her home. Now I purposely leave them empty, because every spring she comes back!  At least, I'd like to think it's the same momma bird.  I've grown quite attached, even though she stays giving me the side-eye through the window! haha

They make me think of Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds". :)

Anyway, hope you all have an excellent weekend!!  Trying out a new Pinterest dish tonight--hopefully it's blog worthy!  Until next time...

My Workout Philosophy

I get a lot of questions about my workout regimen (and diet, but that will be another post).  Really, my workout routine is not very intricate at all.  I am a simple girl...and that translates to pretty much everything going on in my world.

One thing I have learned overtime is that no matter how intricate your workouts, no matter what type of workouts you're doing--if you're not CONSISTENT, it simply is not going to work.  In my experience, the only thing that helps me to stay consistent, is to keep my workouts as "enjoyable" as possible.  For someone that may mean jumping on a treadmill and powerwalking while watching one of their favorite television shows, or taking a bike ride in their favorite area.  For me, I love being outside--so I run or walk outside at my favorite parks or through my neighborhood.  Now the intensity of my workouts change all the time.  Remember, I said keep it enjoyable.  If in your head working out only means running 3 miles, well, on the day that you want or think you should workout and you're dreading that run or don't feel up to it--you're probably simply going to just forgo it all together.  Trust me, I'm a runner and I KNOW that your heart has to be in it or you're not going to do it.  Well, if you instead just think "workout" and not a particular type of workout--and just do something that can be somewhat enjoyable, then do that.  You gotta realize, a person who gets out and powerwalks to their favorite music 4 times a week, is probably going to see more results than the person who gets out there and runs, but can only find the motivation to do it once or twice a week.  Consistency is the key! So, I usually get outside with the mindset that I'm going to powerwalk, and during that time when I'm feeling motivated to kick it up a notch (and you will have those moments the more you do it) I break out into a jog.  And I jog for as long as it's enjoyable (which could mean I'm feeling proud of myself), and the minute it starts to physically or mentally become a chore, I switch back to a walk.  The point is, I got out there...I maybe even pushed myself a bit, but I didn't put such a high expectation on myself that if I fell short, I felt discouraged, because THAT is what makes a person not stick to it.

So my current regimen at the moment:

During the spring/summer, you will probably never find me in anyone's gym.  I love warm weather.  I love being outside.  I love wheeling my spawn around in the double-jog stroller outside.  A lot of times, I like to kill two birds with one stone.  My walk/jog around the park, ends with us stopping at the playground for some playtime fun for the kids.  So I was a good mommy, AND good to my body.  Plus, I have this theory that just being in the sun burns calories--but don't quote me on that. haha Oh, and I do this aoubt 3-4 times a week.

Anyway, at this point in time, I've kicked it up a notch to jogging/running straight with no walking for 20 minutes.  I say "kicked it up" because during the winter--I don't really run, and if I do it's a run/walk (alternating between the two) and here's why...  In the winter, I'm forced to workout in the gym because of the weather.  So for cardio, I may get on the elliptical, or the stationary bike, or even the treadmill.  Have I ever mentioned, I HATE THE TREADMILL.  Running for me requires a certain mental focus that I can't really get to on the treadmill.  It's so redundant and BORING.  But powerwalking on the treadmill is okay and can even be somewhat enjoyable when listening to my favorite tunes.  So in the winter while using the treadmill, I usually will only powerwalk.  To increase the workout intensity, though, I always put the treadmill on an incline.  That's my way of making up for not jogging.  Also, because I'm in the gym, I will also weight train a bit using various machines.  I may do arms one day, back and chest another, and legs on another day.  So during the winter is really the only time that I lift weights.  During the spring/summer after my runs or walks, I may hit the ground and do a few push-ups to make myself feel better. Depending on what park I'm at here in Atlanta, I also run stairs--which is killer!  I think it's fun, though, and it's an EXCELLENT workout for your legs and bootay. ;)

So that's it.  I think the reason that I stay the size that I'm at and the reason that I don't have work that hard to maintain it is because I'm consistent.  No matter how it may change as far as what I do--I STILL workout regularly all year around and this has gone on for YEARS.  Your body is like a machine--consistency in how you workout and eat keeps your body (i.e. metabolism)  running at a certain level.  Your body fights to maintain that.  So if you hardly ever workout (or eat fairly healthy) where ever your body is at from that--your body will fight to maintain that...the weight and the fat.  That's why in the beginning of starting a workout or diet regimen, it doesn't seem to work for a while--but in my opinion, that's because your body is fighting it in the beginning, but it's consistency that eventually wins and gets your body to modify itself.  So my body is running at a certain level, a pretty efficient level I'm proud to say. :)  And that is why I can eat pretty much anything I want or fall off on my workout for a week or two and see no changes, because my body is working at maintaining where it's been, and as long as I get back on it in a reasonable time--it won't stop working at that level.

So for all of you, I say find something that you find somewhat enjoyable and STICK TO IT.  Make it as much a part of your life, brushing your teeth.  And stop expecting to see some extreme change because you only stuck to it for only 3 months.  It may take longer than that for your body to start operating at a more efficient level.  Just stick to it and do it for the joy of knowing that you're taking care of your body!!

Feel free to ask me anymore workout related questions!

A Black & Cream Sunday

This past Sunday, I had a brunch date with one of the besties.  We decided to hit up this little Mexican spot in a cool part of town not too far from where we live.  The place is called "Across the Street" and it didn't hurt that it happened to be on ScoutMob.  Always trying to save a buck!  Anyway, this was what I wore...

 Tank - TJ Maxx
Skirt - NY & Co.
Sandals - DSW

Flowy "gypsy" skirts (sometimes called "circle skirts") are a big staple for me during the spring/summer.  I have quite an assortment in several colors/prints and lengths.  I think they look so cute and girly and are just so easy to throw on with a tank: an instant, but simple pulled together look with a slight bohemian vibe.

Anyway, we both had chimichangas and "grown-up drinks" as our waiter called them.  I had a spicy margarita, which is basically a regular margarita made with tequila infused with some type of chile.  It was quite delicious, and I liked that hint of spice!  Oh, and we got serenaded by a guy on a trumpet.  How random.

Hope you guys had an enjoyable weekend and are ready to face the week ahead!