I *heart* The Bahamas

We just got back from a week long trip to the Bahamas.  We actually hit 3 different islands this time!  We visited the usuals, New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama, but also took a quick excursion to Grand Exuma!  I actually flew in a tiny little 6-seater plane! The Bahamas is an archipelago of over 700 islands and cays, just so you know.  We had an awesome time and it's always great spending time with family.

Just thought I'd share a few pics--I didn't take a whole lot this time around...

Picking cherry tomatoes, or "tomats" as they're called.

Cruisin' the Nassau streets.

Junkanoo Beach

Probably my best "selfie" to date.

Spending time at the beach house.

My boys, minus 1.

That darn little plane and the pilot!!  I had to get talked into this.

Grand Exuma island. Me and hubs biked about 5 minutes from our cottage to this gorgeous secluded beach.

Mango daiquiri.

Hanging out with family on Grand Bahama island.

Our last day there, this little one FINALLY got his feet wet.  He was not feeling the ocean. lol

Kansas anyone?

Last week, me and the fam took a quick trip to Kansas City.  It was actually a work-related trip for my hubs (and I guess us too).  In the past, I've made a couple posts talking about a possible move in our future.  Moving to the Bahamas (where hubs is from) was contemplated, and then found out about some opportunities in other cities at hubs' company.  We actually thought we were going to end up in Houston, Texas--but as it turns out, Kansas City came a callin'.  I know, I know....I was a bit apprehensive too when I was asked "How would feel about living in Kansas City?", but after our trip I do feel a lot better about it.  It is actually a really nice town.  Who knew?!  We don't plan to live in KC indefinitely, hopefully the things my husband wants to get accomplished happens in a few years tops.  I know I will be missing the climate and diversity of the south. *tear*

Anyway, here are pics of our trip.

My boys are seasoned travelers. lol

great wolf lodge
We stayed at this hotel/resort-ish place called Great Wolf Lodge.  It was pretty cool and super family-friendly.  As you can see, it is set up to look like, well...a lodge.

great wolf lodge
In the rooms, they have this little "cave" area with bunk beds for the kids.  My boys LOVED them.  We're actually going to upgrade their toddler beds to bunk beds after we move.  My youngest (who still crawls into our bed in the middle of the night) stayed in his little bunk the whole night every.single.night we were there!  So yea, bunk beds are in the works.

great wolf lodge water park

Did I mention, that there is an indoor water park at Great Wolf Lodge?

great wolf lodge water park
The water park was huge!
the plaza kansas city

Also, in Kansas City, there is this huge shopping district called The Plaza.  It is 15 blocks of shopping and more shopping, and eating!!  It was this area that sealed the deal for me.  Not only because of the shopping and eating, but because the area is modeled after Seville, Spain.  The Spanish style architecture is gorgeous, and there are statues and fountains scattered throughout.  This gave me a little bit of a nostalgic feeling of my living in Miami days.

the plaza kansas city
kansas city barbecue bbq
You can't go to Kansas and not eat any Kansas barbeque!

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

the plaza kansas city

By the way, the fountain water is pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I think they should keep it that way year around!

I look forward to keeping you all posted on the big move.  Happy Tuesday!


Road trippin'

Hope all of you had a Happy 4th!!  Me and the fam took a road trip up to my hometown, Indianapolis, to spend time with my family.  We don't get up there enough, and my family are always dying to see me the kids.  We've been having a great time!

We decided on a whim to shoot up to Chicago for a few hours, as it's only like 2.5-3 hours from Indy.  Because of the holiday, downtown was jam packed with people enjoying the perfectly-slightly-overcast weather.  Trust me, on a July day while walking around town--you want it to be overcast.  Most people don't know, but Midwestern summers can be brutal.  

We also made our way over to the Navy Pier and spent time just hanging around beautiful Lake Michigan.  I definitely need to make a trip back up to Chi soon, as I wasn't able to see some friends that I have there since I was only there for such a short time.

Of course, we had Chicago's own Giordano's stuffed pizza before we left, as well.

Here are few snaps...

Oh, and how can I forget to mention--one of the birds out on the lake attacked my hair!!!!  Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, but it did fly through the top of my hair, and hubs said it must have thought it was a bird's nest. Hardy-har-har.  So if you're ever in the Chi and you have a bush like me--watch out!!

Have a great weekend, ya'll!


Happy New Year!

So it's officially 2013.  It is also officially a really gloomy, rainy day in the A(tl).  I'm assuming most of the east is having fairly crummy weather.  To brighten things up a bit--here are a few pics of me and the boys at the beach over the holiday.  

Now, before you begin to curse the day I was born, I must confess that for me it wasn't really beach weather.  The whole time we were in Nassau, the high temps were in the high 70s and a few times touched 80 degrees.  Not to mention, the water this time of year is cold as heck.  I need it to be a good 85 degrees to make me want to get in water.  Nevertheless, it was perfect to layout in and watch Max play in the ocean as if it was as warm as a bath.  Rock on, little man.

Hope 2013 brings all of you plenty of accomplishments, blessings and fun!

Biloxi Blues...

So, this past Friday, me and the family took a quick trip down to the Gulf Coast city of Biloxi, MS.  The hubs had some work to take care of there, and me the kids tagged along to check out the little town of Bilox/Gulfport as I'd never been there.  While he worked, we played.  Max didn't mind the murky water at all and was all in it.  Cruz, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with it.  Notice he's right on the edge of the water--that's as close as I could coax him to get, and he is a water lover (pool, clear Bahamian waters, etc.)!  So I know it has to be the color. lol  I won't bore you with a lot of talk, but I will say that brown ocean aside--the place is beautiful, and the people are so friendly!

Happy Monday!

This post is part of Mom's Monday Mingle.  Click the button to the right to find out more!

Grand time in Grand Bahama

Hey all!  Sorry for lack of posts, but I just got back from visiting some of my husband's family in Freeport, Grand Bahama!  A trip was in order for me and the youngest babe's birthdays.  Mine is the 17th and his is the 19th--shout out to all my Cancer readers out there!  We thought it would be nice to celebrate over there, not to mention, there were still people on that side of hub's fam that hadn't seen the baby.  We had a great time.  I'll leave ya with few beach pics, since that is a major highlight of the trip, especially to Max.  :)

Have a great Monday!

Jamaica Jamaica

Hey you guys, so I'm back from JA.  We had a great time.  I took pics--not a whole lot, but here are some of them...

The purpose of the trip was to attend and be in one of my good friend's wedding.  It was a beautiful event in a gorgeous locale.

Of course during the trip, me and the hubs were able to get in a little R & R...

By the way, I experienced the most hair shrinkage I'd ever experienced since being natural.  It was SO humid, due to it raining sporadically here and there.  They're in their rainy season.

We also made some new friends...

The "friends" in this pic you can't see.  I wanted to get an "in the water" shot, next thing I know I was surrounded by little fish.  This is my reaction. I was a little taken aback for a sec. lol

There were beautiful sights...

Oh and I did call myself trying to take some outfit posts.  After this first attempt--I couldn't be bothered. haha  Old clearance F21 dress. I think it cost me 8 bucks.  I fell in love with the bird print.  Shoes by Zara.  Do you see how tan I am?!

Oh, and one more gratuitous bathing suit shot...

Now, I do have quite a few other pics--but it's such a chore trying to figure out which to post.  So I'll just leave you with this.  All in all, we had an awesome time. :)

P.S.  Congrats to Suze & Jabari!!!

It's Better in the Bahamas?

It's been a while since my last update.  Part of it is due to laziness (I blame pregnancy)--and also travel.  Me and the fam just recently got back from a nice little 10 day trip in the Bahamas.  Hubby has family on two different islands (Grand Bahama & New Providence), so we did a bit of island hopping.  It was such a relaxing trip, and we were very eager to leave the (then) frigid temperatures in Atlanta.  Anyway, I carelessly forgot to bring my camera with me, and was only able to take crappy cell phone pics.  It's better than nothing I suppose.  Here are a few pics:

Gambier Village in Nassau.  Waiting on conch salad.

As you can see, later in the trip, I straightened my hair.  Xanadu Beach in Freeport.

As mentioned in one of the photos, while there I'd straightened my hair.  I borrowed my mother-in-law's GVP (Sally's brand) flat iron and was REALLY impressed.  This will definitely be the next flat iron that I buy--and at a price of about $50, I couldn't be more pleased.  Also, I think there is a big misconception about straight hair and the islands/Caribbean.  The misconceptions being 1) that it's impossible to wear straight hair over there, and 2) that wearing natural styles, especially wash-n-go's, are easier.  Well, I'm here to debunk the myths.  As much as I love my textured styles (i.e. braidouts, twistouts), in the more humid (and breezy) climates I have found that they don't last as long.  Pretty quickly, braid/twistouts turn into FRIZZouts.  As far as wash-n-gos, they work well, probably even better than the braid/twistouts, BUT I'm not very keen on the amount of work they require, meaning having to redo the wash-n-go at least every-other-day.  Not to mention, the tangles.  So for me, only on days where I plan to doing some water activities and getting my hair wet would be the days I'd wear a wash-n-go.  Now regarding straight hair, after flat ironing SOME reversion takes place.  For me, it's not that substantial.  I basically end up with a "fluffy" straight look by the end of the day.  Even with that small amount of frizz, I find it's still easier to throw my hair up in some kind of bun and be done with it.  Actually, the bun that I tend to do (one big bantu knot) tends to keep my hair straighter while giving it a soft wave, and I'm able to take it down in the evening when the humidity has lessened up a bit and wear it loose.  So, us natural haired girls do actually  have a lot more options even in tropical climates than we think.  (Keep in mind, that I wasn't there in the heart of the summer, and pretty much believe that during the extreme summer months it would be a lot harder to wear a flat ironed look and would probably wear wet buns mostly during that time.)

After our trip, it became official that my hubby wants move to back home to the Bahamas.  We are seriously making plans for it now.  There are some good opportunities for hubs work-wise, and because we'll soon have two whole kids, it would be a lot easier to be near one of our families.  I'm from Indiana and all of my family are there--and there's no chance of me ever moving back up there.  So the Bahamas will have to do!  Nothing is set in stone just yet, and we know that we won't move before baby #2 is born, so if it happens it will be later in the year.  His family has been wanting this to happen for some time now, and we already have a house waiting on us.  I'm really excited about this big change, and I definitely plan to blog or maybe even write a book about my adjusting to island life.  Most people only romanticize the idea of island living, but there are definitely some minuses that go along with the pluses!  Also, there is just so much that the average person doesn't know about or realize just how different it is living in a foreign country.  I think I could definitely tell an interesting story.  So stay tuned for that!  I would also love to be able to do some fashion posts on my personal "island girl" aesthetic. haha

P.S.  Hubs really hasn't wanted me to say anything about this until we have definitive plans in motion, but what the hell.  Hey, if we move, we move--if we don't, we don't.  And if we don't, it will ONLY be because hubby's company gave him an offer we couldn't refuse.  ;^)


“The only paradise is paradise lost.” ~Marcel Proust

Hope all of you had a fun Halloween!  I, on the other hand, didn't dress up or go out.  Why, you ask?  Well, my hubs surprised me with a quick to trip to the Bahamas--Nassau to be exact.  He needed to go for work, and me and baby just tagged along so that we could spend time with family.  My husband is from The Bahamas and all of his family are there.  Anyway, I made it back to Atlanta yesterday evening (Halloween) and I just didn't have the energy to do anything because of a heavy night of partying on Saturday night.  Of course, I will share a few snaps.  Enjoy!

My grandmother-in-law has the most amazing flowers in her yard.

Being silly on the roof of Fort Charlotte.

My favorite Bahamian beer.

Conch salad.  All I can say is yummmmmm....

My little rug rat had so much fun playing in the sand.

