Oh hey!!

Hey guys!  Yea, yea...you know me, so it's been a while.  I know I've gotten so sporadic with my posting, but I'm still here!  I was on a roll for a while, but I blame the colder weather for the slow-down.  I'm less inspired to go outside (where the best lighting is) at just the right time for the best possible photos.  I don't do well with cold.  So I find myself enjoying taking casual pics (like the one above) for Instagram over this blogger grind.  So please, if you don't follow me on Instagram--please do!  I will still be posting here on occasion and sharing things I feel "blog worthy", but I'm starting to think I may be wayyy more interesting on IG. *wink*

Hope all is well!

Do you Skimm?

theSkimm Skimm The Skimm Tee Shirt
Shirt c/o theSkimm | Jeans - Old Navy (old) | Boots - Nine West

So, I'm obsessed with this daily email newsletter called theSkimm.  I'd first heard about it from fellow blogger, Vett of the Real College Student of Atlanta blog.  I'm a person who likes to stay up on current events, and I like to get it from all angles.  But this little newsletter pretty much sums up the daily world news/events into an email that is so sarcastic and witty, I look forward to getting my daily dose of chuckles while sipping on my morning cup.  It's become my morning ritual, after I get my kids to school.  Word on the street is even Oprah is a Skimm-er too.

Go ahead and keep up with what's going on in the world.
Go HERE to subscribe!

T-shirt courtesy of theSkimm. All opinions are my own.

Happy Holidays

I hope you all had an awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Whatever-You-Celebrate, etc!  Mine was great.  Nothing like seeing the smiles on my boys' faces on Christmas morning, especially since this is the first year that they've shown a real interest and belief in Santa Clause.  So this year was extra exciting.

Anyway, at this very moment as I'm typing, there are movers here packing up things all around me and loading it on a 16-wheeler.  The time has come to say goodbye to my beloved Atlanta.  I hope to get back to posting more often real soon!

Oh yea, I cut my hair--really cut.  A separate post/video on that soon.

Take care!

What I'm dealing with...

This is what I'm currently dealing with at the moment.  My body is in shock.  Reality is finally hitting me regarding this move, and I can't deny that some of the excitement has waned.  Ah well.

There is some good news in all this----we're under contract!  We did find another house and are now under contract.  So now the "fun" begins.  The next month will be filled with preparing for and getting the actual move done.  I'm going to fly the kids down to the Bahamas and leave them there with hubs' family and come back and get it all done.  We will then reward ourselves by going back to the Bahamas in time for Christmas and New Years, and plan to soak up as much of the sunshine as we can before heading back to Kansas.  My posts will probably slow down considerably while all this is occurring, but I hope to get a few things up and keep you all updated on the latest.  I actually have a quick outfit post that will be up this week, so look out for that!

Have a great week!

Now Playing!

If you're not familiar with songstress Alice Smith--you're severely out of the loop!  She just recently released a new album titled "She" and I haven't been able to stop listening.  She has such a great voice--so clear with a retro vibe....but the lyrics...  There's some deep stuff on this album.  By the way, I got this album for $7.99 on Amazon.  Definitely was pleased with that price!

I must also mention, that this lady has impeccable style.  Google her for pics if you want to see.  I'm girl crushing!

Anyway, hope you all have a fabulous weekend.  Me and the hubs have a date night (though it will actually be in the day) planned for this Saturday.  We so need it!!

Now back to the music...


Not that I post on this here blog EVERYDAY, but still--have ya missed me??  I've been swamped with moving (still in ATL metro area).  Our house is officially on the market, and I couldn't take shacking up in the itty-bitty condo anymore, so now I'm officially a SURBURBAN housewife/mom!  We're about 20 minutes from downtown/midtown to be exact.  My hubs' commute to work has gone from 30+ minutes to about 10 minutes (if that).  Me and the kids' commute has gone from 15 minutes to 25 minutes (no highway driving!)--so it was a fair compromise seeing that we made him suffer for so long. haha  I'm really enjoying how calm everything is out here.  I don't have to fight the hustle and bustle of Atlanta just to take care of my "everyday" errands and such.  My local Publix is so nice and calm and there's practically never a line especially during working hours.  And lastly, I'm sure I don't even have to mention the SPACE and size of dwellings out here.  I am truly sold on #BurbLife as I like to tweet about.

Anyway, it took forever for our cable/internet to get cut on, but now I'm back in business.  More posts to come!

It's beginning...

...to feel a lot like Christmas!  :)

So it looks like Mother Nature decided to end all confusion and prove to us that it is, indeed, December.  The temperatures here in Atlanta have finally dropped.  Now of course, it probably isn't as cold here as it is for ya'll northern folks--but hey, we are definitely pulling out the hats, coats, jackets, and gloves!  It's perfect weather for that latte or nice marshmallow-y cup of hot chocolate.  As nice as all of that sounds, I am still counting down until "Christmas in Paradise" (Bahamas trip).  Seven more days!!

Anyway, enjoy your Friday Wine Day, and bundle up!

Boredom strikes...

If you're reading this, there is a very big chance that you've probably seen my new header.  Or is it banner?  Either way, you get what I mean, I hope.  I was little bored yesterday and decided to make a quick change.  What do ya think?  I've decided that I'm going to change my banner picture with each season--this one being autumn.  I'm thinking it's a fun way to personalize the blog a bit more.

Give me your feedback!  Would love to know! :)

Thankful & Back Home

Lighting of the "tree". (Downtown Indianapolis)

I'm a little late in wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, I know.  I have an excuse!  Me and the family took a road trip up to Indianapolis (where I'm from) to spend time with my family for the holiday.  Road tripping with two kids for 8 hours each way is no easy feat!  Nevertheless, it was totally worth it.  I miss seeing my family on a regular basis at times, but I don't think I could ever move back to Indiana.  We all pick our battles, I suppose.

Me and my beloved Grammy.  She was in her "cleaning clothes" and was not happy for the photo op!

So, now that I'm back in Atlanta, I'm about to twist up my hair and get back on my workout wagon big-time.  I may even do a cleanse from my favorite local juice spot here called Arden's Garden.  We're heading to The Bahamas for Christmas and I want to be ready!

 Hope you all had a fantastic holiday!

Yay for Friday!!

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that I lovingly refer to this day as "Friday Wine Day".  Many wouldn't think that Friday would be such a great day for a stay-at-home-mommy, like myself--but it actually is!  Friday means that I have an extra pair of hands, eyes and ears in the house while dealing with the kiddos over the next couple of days.  It is definitely a little bit of a break for me, just as it's a real break for you workers out there.

Anyway, today, I'm not indulging on a nice glass (or two or three) like I usually do on Fridays, because we have childcare tomorrow.  Yay for date nights!!  I'll have my few glasses somewhere swanky instead.

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!!!