Blue Paisley

I'm not sure if you all notice, but the first thing that jumped out at me when I saw these pictures was my TAN.  Wow, the difference a little sun makes.  I feel like I'm glowing.  Our Bahamas trip coupled with hanging out at the pool every-other-day since we've been back is to blame.  I just love summer!  Well, summer weather, that is. Heck, I'll take summer weather in the winter, spring or fall--to be clear.

What you did probably notice is the new color in my hair.  Yes, I have what I dub "Hair ADHD", and I needed a change.  Actually, I've decided to cut the annoying cycle of dying my hair black.  My hair is naturally dark brown, and will get highlights in the sun. I've been dying my hair jet black off-and-on since 8th grade, and I really want to say goodbye to jet black for good.  I read somewhere that as a woman gets older, she should go lighter with her hair color, and I can see why.  Lighter hair brightens up the face, softens and warms it a bit.  I've lightened my hair many times, and I can attest that when my hair is lighter, I feel less compelled to wear make-up.  It just has a way of doing that.  Since my hair is permanently stained from the black dye, I usually can't get it as light as I'd like (without major damage), so I usually just stick with a red/auburn.  It's red right now because of a rinse, but I will be toning it to a nice medium brown color and will just let my natural color grow in for a while.  I may even lighten my ends a bit more at some point for a nice ombré.  Either way, the hair world is my oyster, and I'm never scared of taking a risk.

By the way, I'm loving this abstract paisley print dress I'm wearing.  I'm a sucker for prints and with the added embroidery, it gives it that "boho" touch that I love so much.  The dress is more of a flow-y, "baby doll" style, but I prefer it belted.  In person, it looks a lot more expensive than what I paid for it.  Can't beat that!

Have an awesome Monday!


Dress - HERE
Belt - HERE
Shoes - Urban Outfitters (old)
Bag - Old Navy (old)

Rainbow Bright

Happy Friday, friends!

So the other day, I posted this photo on Instagram and the shoes garnered some interest.  So for anyone interested, you can get these shoes HERE.  They are super cute, comfy and colorful--which is my kind of look.  I had to size down a half size, just an FYI.  This espadrille-style shoe comes in other solid colors as well.

Have a great weekend!

His Becomes Hers

I like to wear my husbands shirts at times.  It hasn't always been that way.  Lately, my hubs has been bitching at me about how much I seem to spend whenever I go to Target.  I mean, helloooo, who ever actually only buys the items that they walked into Target to get??!  Target gets me every time.  I go in for 3 things and leave with 13.  It doesn't help that my local Target store has a full on grocery store complete with a big organic foods (meat & produce) section, which saves me from having to drive further away to Whole Foods or Natural Grocers!

So, to butter my husband up a bit, I started keeping an eye out on things for him while in Target too.  I happened to pick up a button-up shirt for him that I thought looked good and surprisingly he liked it, and liked how it fit.  Prior to this, my hubs never bought clothes out of Target.  It wasn't total snobbery or anything, I just don't think he ever considered it an option for some reason.  So after that initial shirt, I started picking up more button-ups and t-shirts for him.  Lets just say the Target complaints have eased up...a lil' bit. *wink*

Shirt - Target // Jeans - Forever 21 // Shoes - Nine West // Necklace - Charming Charlie // Bag - Old Navy

So now that I'm actually picking out his button-up shirts and choosing color schemes I'm drawn too, I've found myself rummaging through his side of the closet at times.  He says he likes me wearing his shirts.  He finds it kinda' sexy.  Hey, we've been married almost 7 years, so whatever adds to maintaining the spark, I'm all for it!

Have a great weekend!

Spring Thaw

Hey guys!  Yes, I am still alive!  I know it's been a while since my last post, but I just have to be honest...  During the winter, when it's cold--I just don't feel that inspired.  So, I decided not to force it.  I allowed myself to go into hibernation, if you will.

Well, now it looks like Spring is about to enter sooner rather than later here in Kansas City.  We've had high temperatures in the 70's for the past few days!  Woohoo!  Though we aren't going to stay that warm consistently just yet, I am feeling inspired again!  The sun is my muse!

I look forward to posting regularly again.  Have a great, and hopefully sunny and warm weekend!

White, Gray & Crochet

First off, who says you can't wear white during the winter??  Oh yea, you can wear white, as long as you call it "winter white", no? [smirk] I actually like wearing white jeans in the winter.  With the right shirt/sweater and a slick pair of boots--it's such a clean look!

Anyway, forget the white jeans, this look is all about this crochet T-shirt.   It had me at hello.  I like that it still has a casual vibe with the cuffed sleeves and tee material, with the crochet detail kicking it up a notch.  It has become one of the "most faves" in my closet!

Shirt - c/o eBay |  Jeans - Old Navy  |  Boot cuffs - eBay  |  Boots - DSW (old)

By the way...HAPPY NEW YEAR! 
Hope you all accomplish everything your hearts are set on. :)

Elephant Juice

elephant shirt jcrew

You guys remember learning "elephant juice" in school?  You know, you just mouth the words and it looks like you're saying "I love you".  Of course, then you say "gotcha!" and let the person know you only said "elephant juice".  Kids...

When I bought this t-shirt, I had no idea that J. Crew seems to have an elephant theme going on in there Fall line-up.  It was brought to my attention by someone I follow on Instagram.  I will chalk that up to me having a knack in the style department.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

Sweater - Similar | Tee-shirt - eBay | Jeggings - Similar | Boots - Nine West

Oh, and I guess I should mention the boots! I've gotten a lot of questions after my last post showing just the tops of them.  Well these are it.  I love them and are my favorite purchase I've made for fall/winter thus far.  I like that they have a sort of "hippy" vibe.  My style totally.  They aren't completely flat. They have a small stacked heel of about an inch, so they are nice and comfortable--which is also pretty much what I go for.  Get them while you can!

This post is linking up with Monday Mingle and How I Fall.

Stephen Webster Jewelry

stephen webster magnipheasant tivol

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the launch of Steven Webster's new jewelry line. I had a great time. He told us his story on how he got started and showed us a few pieces from his new line, Magnipheasant

stephen webster magnipheasant tivol

stephen webster magnipheasant tivol

By the way, he has designed pieces for several celebrities.  To name a couple Madonna and Elizabeth Taylor have worn his jewelry. 

You can find his jewelry at Tivol here in Kansas City and I believe Neiman Marcus carries him as well.

Have a great Thursday!

Printed Pants

These pants were a random TJ Maxx find from a month or so ago.  I'd forgotten all about them until I was packing for my Vegas trip.  So I tossed them in my suitcase, and went.  I fell in love with them in Vegas.  I love the elasticized hem which gives them a casual "jogging pant" style.  I've gotta get more of these in some heavier material for the winter!

Happy Hump Day!

Shirt - Target
Tank - Bebe
Pants - TJ Maxx (similar, similar)
Shoes - Nine West

Bargain Stripes

Hey guys!  I know it's been a minute.  I've been a bit busy lately.  Not to mention, me and hubs went to Vegas last week for a few days.  I didn't really take many pictures there, but if you follow me on Instagram, there are a few there!

So let's talk about this striped maxi-dress I'm wearing, shall we?  So I was at Walmart the other day and while walking over to the "Health/Beauty" section, I passed by this clearance rack that had a big "$5" sign on it.  That slowed me down, because right there in my face was this dress.  The stripes caught my attention because I liked the neutral color scheme.  The quality seemed good, and at 5 bucks, I was willing to risk it!  Plus, it's extra-long, which is great for a tall-y like me.

So I threw on these white sneakers and a denim jacket and was on my way!  By the way, I have to say that I'm really enjoying this summer-y fall weather we've been having lately.  I may have pulled out my sweaters and long sleeves a bit too soon!


Hello, readers!  I just thought I'd share a quick post showcasing my latest thrift store find.  Can you believe I found this Kente cloth shirt from the Goodwill??!  This is definitely a case of "Goodwill hunting" gone RIGHT.

I realized after uploading this picture, that the shirt became unzipped!
I still want you guys to get a view of the back so I still posted it. ;)

The shirt is just a tad too big for me, so I will take it to a tailor to take it in a bit in the bust and waist.  Even if it was 3 times too big, I still would have bought it and given it to someone I know because it was such a great find (and deal at 4 bucks).

By the way, anyone know what kind of flowers those are in the pictures?  They are on the side of my house and are just gorgeous!

Have a great weekend!


Jumpsuit - c/o Swaye Boutique // Shoes - Forever 21 // Sunglass - Random boutique in Nassau

So, I'm currently obsessing over this jumpsuit from Swaye Boutique.  First off, I'm totally not one of those people who loves to wear black, or black-and-white often.  I'm a color girl, give me something bright!

Well, the styling of this jumpsuit and the pattern has definitely made a "bright" out of this monochrome look.  I put it on and felt like I was glowing!  

I also don't wear a lot of "sex kitten" looks, which I now feel I need start exploring more.  The slinky material, coupled with the skin factor (front & back) had me feeling like a VAMP.  I also, usually avoid low cut clothes, because I really don't have much to show off (one time for my fellow A-cups!).  However, I love how this jumpsuit is low cut, yet it makes me feel sophisticated and not just provocative.

All this to say...I think I need to take this number down to Miami.  I can picture myself drinking mojitos at some swanky spot outside in the tropical breeze.  

I guess my backyard patio will have to do for now. Ah well...

I'm linking up with Funday Monday and Monday Bloom!

ivory + black

This is basically an unintentional outfit post.  This past weekend, my hubs and I attended a charity dinner supporting scholarships for a local private college that hubs' company heavily supports.  I waited until the last minute to figure out what I was going to wear.  Upon looking at pictures of last years event, I realized the initial dress that I was going to wear was slightly too short for what I feel the "crowd" would deem appropriate.  After all, I found out the day of the event that the college is a Catholic college. haha

I ended up digging far back into my closet and found this dress that is actually over 10 years old.  I've kept it all of these years, because I just somehow knew that sometimes it good to keep certain pieces that can easily fit into a lot of different occasions, even if it's something that I hardly ever need.  Ivory and black is a classic color combination that will always withstand the test of time. This dress definitely covered my arse, literally!!

I decided to take a couple pictures before we headed out the door, not with any real intention to post them.  Plus the wind wasn't letting me be great. But hey, my posting has been a lot less frequent lately, so I thought these few pics would probably be appreciated by anyone reading this blog.  It's the least I can do!

Hope you all have a great week!

Dress - Express (super old, but similar HERE, HERE, and HERE)
Shoes - HERE

80's Baby

There is something about neon colors that I will forever associate with that great decade we call "The 80's".  I was still pretty darn young during the 80's, but I definitely remember the freedom of style back then.  I even had my very own pair (or two) of fluorescent socks!

When I saw this sweater hanging up on the wall at H&M, I just had to have it.  I bought it a size bigger than I usually wear in large, but I would have loved it even more if it were an XL.  I think this neon yellow bag and my ballet flats complete my modern 80's look.  And yes, I'm wearing those jeans again.  They're one of my faves, what can I say?

Hope April has started out fantastic for all of you!


Sweater - H&M
Purse - H&M (in black)
Jeans - Urban Outfitters (old)
Ballet Flats - Target

Hask Hair Care Products

Have any of you heard of HASK hair products?  I hadn't, until I received a nice little care package from them to review.  I have to say, I'm very impressed and I will continue to buy some of these products.  I promise I'm not just saying this because they were gifted to me, either.

hask shampoo conditioner

I've been on a quest for a little while to find a hair care line for my natural hair that I could stick to using and love it enough to use all/most of the products to keep it all cohesive.  I'm kind of over mixing-and-matching products, i.e. this brand's shampoo, that brand's conditioner, that other brand's deep conditioner, etc.  I'd like to feel like I can depend on a single line/brand.  I think this may be the first brand I give a try to and see if it contributes to my hair's health!

As you know, I cut my hair drastically.  I did it mostly because I needed a change, but I also wanted to get rid of some of the double-processed, bleached ends that I'd had.  I'm planning to grow it back out, this time with no hair color, except for henna maybe.  I say maybe because henna is a hassle, but I do believe in it's awesomeness for making hair stronger.  Oh, did I mention I found my very first gray hair???!  I plucked it, which they say you shouldn't do.  I'm thinking if more are to come, I may use henna to turn those suckers red.  We'll see.

Back to Hask...they have a "Keratin Protein" line and an "Argan Oil" line.  Both come with sulfate-and-paraben-free shampoos & conditioners.  That's kind of a big deal.  Even though I don't wash my hair with shampoo super often, I'd like to know when I do that it will be gentle (no sulfates).  The conditioner for the Keratin line boasts that it "softens and renews", while the Argan Oil conditioner says that it "strengthen and restores".  I have used both shampoos and conditioners and I have to say they both left me with super soft hair, and the conditioners gave good slip!  I haven't decided which one I like best just yet.  I plan to use them both for a while before deciding.

Each line also comes with it's own intense deep conditioning hair treatment and a smoothing shine oil.  I haven't used the deep conditioners as of yet, but the oils I do like.

hask argan oil shampoo conditioner

I definitely recommend getting these products and trying them out for yourself.  I will also update you guys on my thoughts on them as well as my hair progress in another month or so.  If you're interested, you can get more information and/or buy the Hask products at

By the way, I'm still loving my generic "curlformers"!  I've actually bought more, so I now have all 3 sizes--wide, extra-wide and narrow.  Stay tuned for more reviews on those as well!

Have an amazing weekend!

*This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.

Happy Holidays

I hope you all had an awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Whatever-You-Celebrate, etc!  Mine was great.  Nothing like seeing the smiles on my boys' faces on Christmas morning, especially since this is the first year that they've shown a real interest and belief in Santa Clause.  So this year was extra exciting.

Anyway, at this very moment as I'm typing, there are movers here packing up things all around me and loading it on a 16-wheeler.  The time has come to say goodbye to my beloved Atlanta.  I hope to get back to posting more often real soon!

Oh yea, I cut my hair--really cut.  A separate post/video on that soon.

Take care!

Rainbow Bright

ninewest tribeco dome leather satchel

So, I feel like I haven't shown my face 'round these parts in a minute, so here's a little outfit post I conjured up for ya. *smile*  Everything but two items in this post are fairly old.  The colorful dress is by XOXO and I bought it off of Amazon for a steal at 13 bucks a couple months back.  It's still for sell, but for a higher price from another seller.  Ah well.  The jacket I've had forever as well.

The two new items in this post are the new infinity scarf from Old Navy (that I adore), and the black leather satchel (that I also adore maybe more than the scarf) from Nine West.  Let me just say this...I have NEVER been one of those huge satchel/shopper/tote carrying kind of girls.  This right here is my very first "tote" bag and I am now officially an old lady a convert.  I love that I can fit EVERYTHING in this thing--my stuff, kid stuff, diapers, my camera, etc.  Did I mention, that I've also thrown in my MacBook from time to time??  I knew I wanted a large bag, and the only bags I would consider were bags that also had a long strap to wear over the shoulder or "crossbody style" and this fit the bill.  The leather is heavy and of excellent quality as well.  I've never purchased bags from Nine West before, and I have to say that I'm impressed.  The price was pretty reasonable to me at $199 (it's on sale for $139 now!).  It's not cheap--but it also won't cost you what a Michael Kors, Coach, etc. would be either.  I'm all for happy mediums!  By the way, I must give Melissa of Melissa's Sweet Style a shout out because I saw this purse in one of her style posts which is what caused me to go looking for it online.

ninewest tribeca dome leather satchel

ninewest tribeca dome leather satchel

Scarf - Old Navy //  Jacket - Forever 21 //  Dress - XOXO via Amazon
Tights - Target //  Boots - Shoe Dazzle //  Bag - Nine West
Lip Color - Wet n 'Wild MegaLast in Cherry Bomb

Happy Hump Day!

P.S.  They have more colors of the infinity scarves in the store than what I see on


I posted this picture on Instagram a couple days ago, and just thought I'd let you guys know where to get this Bob Marley t-shirt, in case you're interested.  I bought mine for $12.99 in store at Target, but they are on sale for 10 bucks on Target's website!  This is a men's shirt.  I bought it in size small and then cut the neckline into a boatneck shape--and that was it!  Grab them while they're hot!

Bob Marley Tee found HERE.

Have a great weekend!

Prototype Mama

*tweet tweet*

You guys already know how much I love "animal prints", especially the atypical ones, i.e. animals in print.  So of course, when I saw this sweater at Old Navy, I couldn't resist.  It didn't hurt that it was on sale, either! They have a few variations with other animals, which I was tempted to grab.  I resisted the urge--as I usually jump on a trend, over buy said trend, and then at a later time catch myself wondering "What is all this junk in my closet?!"  So I tried to spare myself.  I'm still debating that fox, though.

I finished off the look with cropped jeans and the cutest shoes I'd gotten a few weeks ago from DSW.  Yes, they are almost identical to a shoe that Zara use to sell a couple seasons ago.  I wasn't able to snag them before they'd sold out at Zara and have been keeping my eye out for a pair that were similar (or in this case, identical).  Also, unlike the Zara version, these are real suede, yet were similarly priced. Yay me!

Old Navy Bird Sweater BGKI

Old Navy Bird Sweater Natural Hair BGKI
Old Navy Bird Sweater BGKI
Old Navy Bird Sweater BGKI

Old Navy Bird Sweater BGKI
Old Navy Bird Sweater

Sweater - Old Navy // Jeans & Bag - F21 // Shoes - DSW // 
Earrings - c/o Sweenee Style // Watch - Michael Kors

By the way, aren't these handmade earrings great?!  I am totally smitten with all things African Ankara/Wax print and that's what these remind me of.  I won them via a giveaway from a fashion blog that I follow--Sweenee Style.  I love her looks, so be sure to check her out!