Neon Lace or Neon Overload... be the judge!

Shoes - Steve Madden, Watch - Michael Kors, Sunnies - Target, Bracelets - random, Hair - brushed out rollerset

So what do you think of this absolutely fabulous frock I scored from  I was hoping I would get this dress in the mail and get a post up about it in a timely fashion while it was still available so you gals could pick one up--but alas, it's gone.  :(  I suggest you check your local store to see if they have them in stock!

Anyway--meet my new beach/pool cover-up!  F21 marketed it as a dress, but being all lace, I assumed it would work better as a cover-up.  But hey, if you have the chutzpa to wear this as a dress with the proper undergarments (and cute belt couldn't hurt)--go for it!  Me and the hubs are taking a trip to Jamaica next month to attend a wedding, and I am so excited to wear this there.  So you will see this again.

Nik says:  Neon rocks!!

P.S.  I'm obsessed with all the new "high-low" dresses/skirts.  Aren't you?

"We wear the mask..." ~Paul Laurence Dunbar

Nope, you're not seeing a ghost...and no, I'm not toying with the idea to become a mime!  This is me trying out this facial mask that I picked up at my local CVS.  The brand is Montagne Jennesse and they come in an assortment of "flavors".  I found these on as well, but at a higher price.  In the store one packet cost me only $1.99.  While shopping, these little guys caught my eye and after looking at the ingredients--I decided to give it a try.  This particular one is Aloe Vera & Willow, but it's base is clay, including illite (Mediterranean clay), bentonite and kaolin clays.  Other things that stood out to me were green tea leaf extract, Dead Sea salt and ginseng root extract, among other natural ingredients.

Let me just say, I'm glad that I took pictures of the clay mask when I did (it was still wet), because once that baby dried--I couldn't move my face at all!! haha  I felt a slight tingling sensation as well.  After about 15 minutes, I rinsed it off and I have to say my face felt so FRESH and TIGHT.  I'm assuming that may mean that it shrunk my pores a bit which is always a good thing.  Now I can't wait to try some of the others flavors!  My skin feels amazing!

This is definitely Nik-Approved!  Go check out your local drugstores and see if they carry these. At $1.99, what's to lose?

P.S. I may even look for a mask that is not in single servings as $1.99 could eventually add up over time if used regularly.  I'll let you guys know when I find a winner.

Key West Grilled Chicken

Hey all!  Just thought I'd do a quick post on my latest Pinterest recipe find.  Now that spring is here, everyone I'm sure are whipping out their grills.  Well, here is a great little marinade for chicken you plan to barbecue.  Simple and easy-to find ingredients!

I threw mine over rice-and-peas with a small salad on the side.  Our grill ran out of gas mid-grilling, so I finished mine up in the oven--hence it not being as charred as I would like.  Oh, and don't feel like you HAVE to make kabobs--but I suggest you do as you get the flavor of the marinade in every bite-sized piece!

Key West Grilled Chicken

* 3 tablespoons soy sauce
* 2 Tbs. honey
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* Juice of 1 Lime
* 1 teaspoon minced garlic
* 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

In a small bowl combine soy sauce, honey, vegetable oil, lime juice, and garlic.

If you want to have grilled breasts, Place chicken breast halves into the mixture, and turn to coat. Cover, and marinate in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes. If you prefer kebabs, as are pictured, cut the chicken into large chunks, skewer onto bamboo sticks that have been soaked in water for 5 minutes, and marinate for at least 30 minutes.

For a slightly zestier version, add a teaspoon of Freshly Chopped cilantro to the marinade.

Grill on medium high heat for 6 to 8 minutes on each side, until juices run clear. Serve with fresh salad, steamed veggies, baked potato or any of your favorite sides. For variation, try marinating shrimp, (which will take 2-4 minutes to grill in all!)

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

+Weekend Mentions+

Happy Monday readers!  Just thought I'd give you guys a short re-cap of my weekend that was worth mentioning...

1) Changed up the nails!  This time I used Sally Hansen Salon Effects in "Bling It Out".  It's a sparkly pink and I luv it!  The pink is a little darker than my pic shows, but is still quite subtle compared to last weeks nails.  My husband called the "confetti nails" jungliss (meaning ghetto in Bahamian talk). Ah well.  I is who I is. haha

2)  Another date-night with the hubs.  This time we went to a fairly popular French Restaurant in town.  And for the first time ever......*insert drumroll*....I tried escargot!  Yes, SNAILS.  Even I have a hard time saying it. lol  They actually weren't bad.  They were cooked in a garlic/butter sauce.  It was actually like eating mussels.  I will say that I still couldn't get over what they were mentally, so even in all of their deliciousness--I doubt I'd eat them ever again.  Silly me forgot to take pics of the dish. :/   Since I have no food porn for you, I do have a few pics of what I wore.
Random white tank, skirt from H&M (similar HERE and in love with THIS ONE), belt is F21, Steve Madden shoes (not shown).

3) All week, my 3 year old has been running round the house wearing my rubber gloves I use for cleaning exclaiming that he's baking a cake.  I assume he thinks they are oven mitts.  So on Sunday, we made cupcakes.  Baking is NOT my thing, and these were made using the Pilsbury variety.  He was very pleased.

So how was your weekend?

+Hair Babble+..."Beach Waves"

How about a little hair talk?  Up for that?

Well, last week when my hair was still straight, I decided to try to give my flat ironed hair some "beach waves" via bantu knots.  Because my flat ironed hair is VERY resistant to any type of curl--it was necessary to spritz each section with a little water before putting in the knot.  Don't worry, one squirt isn't enough to revert my hair as it doesn't really penetrate my hair shaft before it evaporates.  Anyway, each section I applied coconut oil and then gave a squirt down the length of it and then proceeded to put in the knot.  This is what I ended up with.  It was 5 knots:

After leaving them in for about half a day, this is what I ended up with.

I didn't get a full head shot, as the waves weren't as uniform as I'd wanted.  That's something I will have to work on--making sure all of the knots are the same size with the same amount of tension.

I decided to pin my hair to one-side and wore it out to a reggae party with one of my gal pals.

By this time the waves had fallen some, but you get the idea.  Next time, I will use some kind of "hold"-ing product as well.

Also, may I mention that Sean Paul was there, and he's not that short!  I assume all celebrities are tiny....because well, they usually are.  Though, that mohawk gave him a couple extra inches.   haha

Have a spectacular weekend!!

Confetti Nails...!

This past weekend, I happened to be in Target and came across these Kiss Nail Dress nail sticker thing-ies.  I know there are several brands of these things that have been out for quite some time, but I never gave them a try.  Lately, I've been making an effort to keep my nails polished (since I fell off after having kids), and because I don't get the acrylics put on anymore.  I don't have anything against the fake nails--I love them, it's just it has become a hassle actually going to get them done and making sure I go back regularly to keep them filled in and looking nice.  I'm not really a "stick to a schedule" kind of girl.  So they usually end up growing up too far and looking like crap, so I take them off and my real nails are left weak and chewed up looking.  Anyway, as most of you probably know, the regular nail polishes actually only stay looking nice for a few days on natural nails before they start chipping.  So I thought I'd give these "sticker polishes" a try to see if I can get it to at least last a week.  So far I'm on day 3 and so far so good!  I'm so happy I tried this, because I've found it a little complicated to find the perfect time to polish my nails, due to having small children who constantly need my attention and thus having ruined numerous manicures.  These things, you just stick on and go!  No drying times needed.  This brand and the Sally Hansen brand even come in regular plain colors, if you're not into the design thing.  This will definitely be the way I keep my nails looking nice for a while.  So convenient!

P.S.  This Kiss brand even gives you enough stickers in a range of sizes that allows you to even put them on your big toes.  Well, at least, that's what I did. I'm definitely getting my $6 worth out of these. haha

Happy Monday!

+Nosh w/ Nik+...Man Pleasing Chicken

Okay first off, I kind of take issue with the name of this chicken dish that I'm about to share with you guys...because hey, I think it's lady pleasing as well--and if it doesn't please this lady, the man of the house won't even get to try it. lol  So....

Pinterest does it again, ya'll.  Saw this lovely picture of a chicken dish on Pinterest and immediately clicked on it so that I could take a look at the the recipe, original website, etc. 

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the recipe was like REALLY simple.  Plus, it involved ingredients that I always have on hand: dijon mustard, syrup, and rice vinegar.  So I already knew that I would try this recipe this week.

Mine, fresh out of the oven:

My tips & mods are as follows:

- I used a pack of chicken thighs that had 8 thighs instead of 6.  The sauce was still enough.

- Line your baking dish with foil.  The burned sauce around the edges (inevitable) is hell to clean off.

- I didn't have REAL maple syrup on hand.  When in the grocery and saw how expensive it is--I said funk that!  I used regular pancake syrup instead.

- In the write-up, she says to use "rice wine" vinegar.  My vinegar just says "rice vinegar".  Not sure if there is a difference, but am happy with how mine turned out.

- As you will see in the pics, I topped mine with a little bit of chopped green onion

All I can tell you that we LOVED this dish!!!  I put the chicken over brown rice and served with a side of steamed broccoli.  We had to force ourselves not to eat more, just so that we could have leftovers the next day!  Don't be afraid of the mustard--it doesn't turn out with a mustard-y flavor.  It just ends up with this savory flavor that I can't explain.

Also, I read most of the 100+ comments on this dish on the blog that this was posted and some people used chicken breasts, pork chops, etc.  It's very versatile.  Some did not like the recipe at all and complained that theirs turned out grainy, didn't like the taste, etc.  I will say, that I didn't use any special ingredients.  My dijon mustard was the store brand, and again, I used regular syrup.  About twice while it was cooking, I flipped the chicken and kind of stirred the sauce in-between the pieces of chicken because it does separate a bit.  I also finished it off on broil, so that I could get a darker color on it somewhat like the original picture.

This will definitely be added to the rotation.  Nik approved!!

Click here for full right up and recipe:  Man Pleasing Chicken Recipe

+Less is More+ Hexagon

Hola mamacitas!

So last week I happened to be at the mall (nice day, needed to get out of the house) and of course, I had to check out one of my guilty pleasures--Forever 21.  I peruse F21 online often, but sometimes I like to go into the store and actually see in person some of the items that may catch my attention online.  At times I'm pleasantly surprised and other times...let's just say I'm so happy I didn't press "check out".  Meanwhile--while browsing the store, I came across this ADORABLE crossbody bag.  I'd noticed it online a couple weeks ago, and though I'd thought it was cute, something didn't move me to buy it.  Well looking at it face-to-face, I fell in love with it!  It is so me.  Now let me say this, I am sometimes a tad leery of all of the faux leathers out there.  Which is one of the reasons I didn't buy it online.  By the way, what is with all of this faux leather that I'm seeing in shoes and accessories, and they're priced at like 60+ bucks.  Like you really have to read the fine print of even some of the popular brands.  Look, I'm not a vegan, and though I don't have anything against faux leather (obviously), I refuse to spend over 30 bucks on it....I digress...

To make a long story short, I had to have the bag.  It looks great in person, doesn't scream faux, and of course, I love the ethnic "look" of it. Plus, it only cost 22 bucks!  I think this will definitely be one of my most carried crossbodies this summer!  Even my camera fits into it nicely!  

If you like the bohemian/ethnic look AND a good bargain--Go get this bag!

Click below to buy! [Hopefully, it is still available online.  I snatched up the last one they had in my local store.]

Weekend Mentions

So as you all know, this past weekend was pretty nice weather-wise for everyone in the continental United States.  Me and the family decided to get out and about a bit.  Saturday afternoon, we decided to go get some exercise and take the kiddies out to the park for a stroll.  First, however, I had been bugging hubs about checking out one of the Vietnamese restaurants because I'd always wanted to try their cuisine, especially since I have a couple friends who have raved about it.  So we decided to grab lunch at Pho Dai Loi, a pretty popular and authentic Vietnamese restaurant that was suggested to me.  I think most people have heard of "pho"--which I think may be the most popular Vietnamese dish period.

So here are the basics.  If you're a newb to Vietnamese cuisine, there are probably 3 things you will be told to try first:

1.  Bubble tea - which is some kind of blended drink with tapioca balls sitting at the bottom.  Those are the "bubbles".  I got an avocado bubble smoothie, and it was delish.  I don't like to eat/drink the balls though.

2.  Spring rolls - I'm sure everyone has had a spring roll in their lifetime.  These had shrimp in them and were fairly tasty.  They are just very simple and mild in taste.  The peanut dipping sauce was definitely the star of that show!

3. Pho - Last but not least, the popular dish "Pho".  It is basically a noodle soup with various meats.  I got the Pho Tai which contained flank steak and eye round.  It was DELICIOUS!  And you can't tell from the pic above, but that bowl was HUGE and I'd ordered a medium bowl.

Verdict is:  We will definitely be back!!

So after that we hit up the park, but before we got there, we caught a glimpse of Baton Bob on the street!  He is definitely one of Atlanta's sweethearts!  A Baton Bob sighting is always a treat!  As you can tell from his name, he is usually twirling a baton--but this time he had pom poms along with tartan wear.  Maybe for St. Patty's day?  He gets tons of honks & heckles from the cars driving past.  No one is sure why he does what he does--but HE GETS THE PEOPLE GOING. lol

We eventually made it to the park and had a lovely time walking around and seeing SO many people out enjoying the weather.  Spring is definitely here.

I luv to see a man pushing a stroller, by the way.

Oh and as for SUNDAY:

Nerdy girl swag.

Mojitos with the girls!  [Don't think an explanation is needed for that.]

All in all, it was a great weekend!  What did you all do?


Anyone out there still have one of these around??  Some of you may not even know what it is!  Only us 80's babies, perhaps.  And by "80's babies", I don't mean people born in the 80's, but who actually remember that decade.

Well, GOTCHA.  I don't have one laying around either.  It's my latest iPhone case.  Because I'm all about anything nostalgic and kitsch-y, I couldn't resist. Oh, and have I mentioned that yellow is my favorite color?


You know, now that I think about it--hubs does have a box of old reggae mix tapes put away somewhere in this house.  A BIG box, actually.  I live with a hoarder.  Anyway, this case can be found on eBay, and they come in an array of colors!  As you can tell, I buy lots of "random" stuff off of there.  I'm starting to even scour Etsy for knick-knacks.

Wait, maybe I'M a hoarder too. :^(

Anyway, happy Monday!

Still straight

Well, the hair is still straight.  It's been this way for a little over a week.  I'm trying to take it to at least a full 2 weeks.  This is really hard for me as I hate the feeling of "old" straight hair.  For me, after about 5 days, it has lost it's "swang" and just feels different, and I am usually over it by then.  But, for my hair's sake--if I'm going to put 400 degree heat on it, I think it's only fair to take it to the limit.  Plus, I have to admit, it is easier this way.  I do see why after hitting a certain length, some tend to prefer wearing their hair blown out/flat ironed, etc.  Not to mention, my shower drain is thanking me.

Anyway, today I'm wearing my hair like this.  I have been working out still, so my roots are a little "fluffy".  This bun hides that fact well.  I plan on doing a bantu knot out on it in the next day or so.  I will definitely do a post on that, and maybe even a video.

Oh, and as you can see my hair is a dark brown-red color.  In some pics it looks black, but it's far from it.  I'm actually contemplating going jet black the next time I wash my hair.  Ready for a change.  What do you think?

Holla back!

Favorite Things Vol. 3

So, I have a new obsession.  It all started one fine day while I was perusing Pinterest.  I came upon this picture of the cutest little cookie jar that I thought I had to have:

Picture courtesy of

After clicking on the picture and getting forwarded to the Anthropologie site and seeing that said cookie jar was $88...that "had to have" turned into "would be nice to have".  Nevertheless, it started some crazy owl obsession within me.  I mean, how cute are they?  Turns out, that owls are like the new Hello Kitty or something.  They're EVERYWHERE.  You can find owl stuff on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon--name it.  Keep in mind now, that anything that even remotely resembles an owl now has been marked up in price.  I mean seriously ONE owl coffee mug for 15 bucks.  You've gotta be kidding me.

Items can be found on eBay and/or Etsy

Anyway, I've practiced a little restraint and have added only a few things to my owl collection.  I'm not going to go overboard because as with any "obsession" of won't last very long.  I ended up with this:

top - F21, jeans - Old Navy, tights - Target, shoes - Steve Madden

And this:

Owl necklace: ebay

I also have the cutest little owl iPhone case en route to me.  But seeing as I paid a really cheap price for it because it's coming from China (thx eBay), I'm still waiting on it to get here.  So I reckon that's it on the owl paraphernalia.  Well, of course, after that cookie jar goes on sale. :)

Have an awesome weekend!

Just another day at the park

The high today is suppose to be 75 degrees.  Yes, here in February.  So obviously, today was a "park day".  We went to my favorite place in all of ATL--Piedmont Park.  It's like Atlanta's "Central Park", just to give you an idea of how popular it is, and big, though I don't think it's quite as big (as Central Park).  For once, I didn't forget to bring my camera.  Took a few snaps just to show you this lovely green space where I can usually be found on a nice day.  I can't wait until spring, when everything turns green again...

You can see the Midtown skyline in the distance.

Please disregard my bare (and tired) looking face. haha

In the summer, a lot of ppl usually lay out in this circle.

His first time in the swing.

I'll assume he's thrilled. :)

Enjoy your day!

Straight...No Chaser

So, I flat ironed my hair the other day because I felt like I probably needed a trim.  My last cut was the end of October, I believe.  To my surprise, my ends were in great shape still.  Must be the "no heat" regimen.  I'm also relieved to see that my hair doesn't really look  thinner, even though I lost a ton of hair from postpartum shedding.  Anyway, here are pics...

Freshly straightened and trimmed hair.

And as you know, I'm always threatening to cut my hair.  Decided to switch it up (with no scissors necessary).  Say hello to my "temporary bob".  All that was needed was a ponytail holder and a few large bobby pins.  Viola!

I'm actually in love with my hair like this at the moment.

P.S.  All of that "baby hair" you see, is actually just my edges growing back in. lol

Happy Monday!

Happy V Day Love Bugs!!!

Valentine's Day is not a huge deal in my household, because hey, after being married for a few years, it's best to strive to make EVERY DAY feel like Valentine's, and that is no easy feat!  It's always a work in progress. haha  I still, however, am not one of those Debbie Downer's who hail it as some useless and evil day.  Why would anyone be against celebrating love...on any day?  Just remember--SOMEONE loves you today.  Even if it may just be your momma, and that's all that matters.