It's beginning... feel a lot like Christmas!  :)

So it looks like Mother Nature decided to end all confusion and prove to us that it is, indeed, December.  The temperatures here in Atlanta have finally dropped.  Now of course, it probably isn't as cold here as it is for ya'll northern folks--but hey, we are definitely pulling out the hats, coats, jackets, and gloves!  It's perfect weather for that latte or nice marshmallow-y cup of hot chocolate.  As nice as all of that sounds, I am still counting down until "Christmas in Paradise" (Bahamas trip).  Seven more days!!

Anyway, enjoy your Friday Wine Day, and bundle up!

One Pot Curry Chicken w/Rice

Happy Thursday, ya'lls!  Today's recipe post is a recipe I'd gotten off of Pinterest.  When I saw the photo I was immediately drawn to it.  Then to see that it was a curry chicken recipe--oh yea, momma had to give it a try.  Let's get this straight, I am a big curry lover--red curry, yellow curry, green name it.

Now this dish involving the more commonly used yellow curry, I noticed that it would not be the usual "Caribbean style" curry chicken that I usually eat and/or make, but I'm always open to something new.

 Plus, it doesn't get any easier than a "one pot" dish.  That alone was enough for me to try it.

I also liked that the recipe called for a can of coconut milk.  Listen to me when I say, coconut makes ANY rice dish taste better.  Because of the Caribbean influence that is a big part of me, I also threw in a can of pigeon peas to give it more of an island twist.  You can find pigeon peas (green or brown) in the international section of any grocer.  I find mine in the Jamaican or Mexican sections.

The only thing I wish I would have added to the pot, was a little bit of scotch bonnet (also known as habanero) pepper to give it a little "kick".  Nevertheless, this dish turned out AWESOME.  I do think it needed a little more salt, so next time I would probably use more--maybe 2 teaspoons instead of the half teaspoon the recipe called for.  You can always salt it to taste on your plate, like I did, of course.

I served this dish with a steamed cabbage/carrot mixture.  It was a hit!!  In my usual fashion, I forgot to top it with cilantro of which I'd actually bought just for this. *sigh*

Also, because I wanted to make this dish the minute I saw it, I went out and bought a new dutch oven.  I always knew I'd needed one, so this was the perfect excuse.  Instead of getting the nicer looking (and more expensive) enamel coated kind--I opted for the cast iron (which is what is underneath the enamel coating of the enamel coated kind).  Cast iron is a bit harder to clean and requires a certain kind of care, but it lasts a lifetime!  I couldn't live without my cast iron stove top grill/griddle!  Plus, I'd read that the enamel eventually begins to chip off after a while on those coated ones.  So I just spared myself the hassle.

Hope you all enjoy this recipe!  Let me know if you try it!
Recipe can be found HERE.


This past Friday, I had a much needed "girls night out".  I met some of my friends at this reggae spot to hear some 90's reggae and also celebrate a birthday.  It was a fun!

I didn't take any "real" outfit post kind of pictures, but this is all I got.  The dress looks yellow in the pictures, but it's actually a lime-y yellow (chartreuse).  The owner (and friend) of Swaye Boutique sent me this dress months ago.  I finally got around to wearing it.  It's now on my faves list!  You guys should really checkout that online store.  She has a lot of new awesome stuff in.  

Oh, and as you can see, I am still very much obsessed with those Shoe Dazzle booties. :)

Happy Monday!

And just that fast...

...the curls are back.

This is actually my hair airdried to about 80% in one braid, and then taken down to airdry the rest of the way.  Only products used were coconut oil, and Fantasia IC gel (clear) for slicking the bun down.  Who says you have to use a million and one products to get a great look? 

Though, I will admit, if I knew I would eventually take it down to wear out, I would have used maybe one more product to get a bit more clumping.  A cream based product like one of Shea Moisture's hair lotions, etc.  Nevertheless, it was just fine like this!

Have a great one!

Navy + Olive

Yes, this is another outfit post that I'm wearing these Old Navy skinny cargos.  I really wish I had gotten them in several colors.  That's just how much I love the fit of these pants.  The true star of this outfit are these new leather olive green booties that I'd thrifted from a local consignment store.  I plan to wear these a lot!

I wore this to a birthday party the kids had been invited to.  We had a great time actually.  Any party that ends with the parents sipping wine while the kids run wild in the backyard, is my kind of kiddie party.

Shirt: J. Crew (HERE) // Pants: Old Navy (similar HERE) // 
Boots: Naturalizer (thrifted, similar HERE)

I'm really getting more and more into thrifting and perusing consignment shops lately.  I think I'm addicted to the hunt.  It's really easy to go into any of the usual retailers and snap up something that catches your eye instantly, but it's extra rewarding to find that one thing that speaks to you at the thrift/consignment stores.  Plus, you know that you won't see it on the masses.

I also get frustrated easily, so we'll see how long this thrifting love affair lasts. haha
Happy Monday!

Back... making videos!

I've decided that I'm going to try to add another dimension to the blog by posting some videos regularly.  Specifically, I plan to do product reviews through video instead of as a regular post.  Sometimes the writing, taking photos, and editing both can be pretty time consuming.  So, video can come in handy in that aspect, and it's a bit more personal.  I have a few things I want to review for you guys really soon, so stay tuned for that!

Anyway, to have some footage to brush up on my video editing skills, I did a little videotaping of me and the kids at the park.  Now this may be the most pointless video you've ever watched...but if you want, humor yourselves. :)

Are you not entertained??!! lol

Boredom strikes...

If you're reading this, there is a very big chance that you've probably seen my new header.  Or is it banner?  Either way, you get what I mean, I hope.  I was little bored yesterday and decided to make a quick change.  What do ya think?  I've decided that I'm going to change my banner picture with each season--this one being autumn.  I'm thinking it's a fun way to personalize the blog a bit more.

Give me your feedback!  Would love to know! :)

Thankful & Back Home

Lighting of the "tree". (Downtown Indianapolis)

I'm a little late in wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, I know.  I have an excuse!  Me and the family took a road trip up to Indianapolis (where I'm from) to spend time with my family for the holiday.  Road tripping with two kids for 8 hours each way is no easy feat!  Nevertheless, it was totally worth it.  I miss seeing my family on a regular basis at times, but I don't think I could ever move back to Indiana.  We all pick our battles, I suppose.

Me and my beloved Grammy.  She was in her "cleaning clothes" and was not happy for the photo op!

So, now that I'm back in Atlanta, I'm about to twist up my hair and get back on my workout wagon big-time.  I may even do a cleanse from my favorite local juice spot here called Arden's Garden.  We're heading to The Bahamas for Christmas and I want to be ready!

 Hope you all had a fantastic holiday!

Weekend Mentions

So, as you already know, me and the hubs had a quick little date night on Saturday.  We decided to give a new (to us) restaurant a try.  We dined at Aqua Blue in Alpharetta (a suburb of ATL) and can I tell you, the food was AWESOME.

The ambiance was nice, and my cocktail was perfect.  I wish I could give you the name of it, but I forgot and they don't have their cocktail menu on the website.  Anyway, it was some kind of Basil, Lime martini that was absolutely fabulous.

I'm not going to go through our full meal, because I didn't take pictures of all of it.  I will tell you about MY dish, which happened to be the "special" of the night.  It was a pan seared duck breast with some kind of apple chutney, along with green beans and mashed potatoes.  And if that wasn't enough, they topped the whole thing with shrimp.  I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Have I mentioned, I've never met a duck dish that I didn't like?  I tend to order it often.

Hubs had a couple sushi rolls, which were delicious as well.

Instead of desert, we opted for French press coffee while continuing to chat.  All in all, I was one happy camper.

If you're ever in Alpharetta--go!

Yay for Friday!!

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that I lovingly refer to this day as "Friday Wine Day".  Many wouldn't think that Friday would be such a great day for a stay-at-home-mommy, like myself--but it actually is!  Friday means that I have an extra pair of hands, eyes and ears in the house while dealing with the kiddos over the next couple of days.  It is definitely a little bit of a break for me, just as it's a real break for you workers out there.

Anyway, today, I'm not indulging on a nice glass (or two or three) like I usually do on Fridays, because we have childcare tomorrow.  Yay for date nights!!  I'll have my few glasses somewhere swanky instead.

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!!!

Don't be afraid.

Me, afraid of prints?  Never!
Me, afraid of camo?  Yea, right!!
Me, afraid of fringe?  Of course not!
Me, afraid of big hair?  Nope!
Me, afraid to call my maroon shirt "ox blood"?  Whatever you say fashion industry...

Me, afraid to put it all together?  I ain't never scared.  :)

Infinity scarf - F21
Camo jacket - Triple 5 Soul (old)
"Ox blood" top - random old
Animal print jeans - F21
Fringe booties - Shoe Dazzle


I'll take that minestrone homie...

So it is officially cold here in Atlanta.  You may have to take that with a grain of salt, as I do reside in the south and actually left Miami to come here.

So to me, yes, high temperatures in the 50's and 60's is cold.  Hey, throughout the day, the weather probably is only at its "high" for a few hours anyway.  So that high temperature prediction is really a bit misleading as to what we're actually facing most of the day.

So to make a long story short, when it gets a bit nippy out--I love nice hot, chunky soups.  They are perfect for this time of year and they warm me up just right.  This post is about a nice hardy minestrone soup that is made in my boo the crockpot.  There is just a small amount of prep, and then you just set it--then forget it!

I got the recipe from HERE. (Awesome crockpot cooking blog, by the way.)

Also, I added about a cup of cabbage to it.  I wanted this to be a real MEAL.  I would also add about another extra cup of beef broth next time because with the extra ingredients, it wasn't as "soup-y" as I expected.  But it was still damn good!

This would definitely make a nice vegetarian soup as well.  Just replace the beef broth with vegetable stock, and I hear they even have a tofu ground meat substitute out there that could be used. 

Definitely give this one a try.  I insist.

Have a happy Hump Day!!

Weekend Mentions...

Aside from being miserable with moving, here are a few things that tickled my fancy this past weekend...

Red Carpet Gel polish in "What a Surprise". Ring finger was topped with a layer of Gelish "Water Field".

New Shoe Dazzle boots.  These are "Wandering".  This was my first Shoe Dazzle buy and I'm not disappointed!!  Can't wait for my next outfit/style post wearing these!!

Last, but not least--caipirinha and tapas with friends.

Happy Monday!


Remember this post that I'd made about possibly moving to The Bahamas a little over a year ago?  Well no, I'm not announcing a move there now.  As I'd mentioned in that post, if hub's job gave him an "offer we couldn't refuse" that we would stay--well, they definitely stepped up to the plate. (I'm so proud of him, by the way.) So, living in the Bahamas is no longer something that will happen anytime soon.  With the new changes at my husband's job, however, there is a BIG possibility we will be leaving Atlanta in 2013.  We're going to let things play out in the way they must go, but we're hoping that small chance of us not having to leave Atlanta will happen.  If not, so be it because the places we would have to choose from to live are both warmer climates and coastal.  So it won't be that much a disappointment if we have to go.  Anyway, I'll be sure to keep you all updated on this...

I mentioned all that above, because we're in the process of getting our house ready to sell.  Even though, a move to another city isn't happening this fast, we've decided to unload our house so that (1) we won't have to rush to do it when/if we get that call to go, and (2) we have pretty much outgrown this little house in the city and would have been selling it anyway even if we don't leave Atlanta.  I'm finally at a place where I'm ready to hit the 'burbs!  That's growth ya'll.  I no longer feel like I need to be close to the action.  Heck, I only partake of the action a few times a month these days.  I'd rather have SPACE, a nice sized yard, good schools, a family atmosphere, etc. where I live.  Trust, me and my hubs can always drive to the action when we need it. haha

So right now, we're getting work done on our house.  The picture above is the house's new exterior paint job.  The men are getting ready to start some minor work inside.  We're putting a lot of our stuff into storage and a condo that we own, and we'll kind of live between the two.  I know that there is no way our house would stay "ready to show" with my kids there on a full time basis.  So because of this, my posting in the next month or so may be fairly sporadic (as if it isn't already) because I'm swamped.  Me and the kids may even hang out in the Bahamas during the month of December, and if so, I'll try to blog like crazy while there.  I love sharing my Bahamas experiences with you all.

Oh, and one thing I've learned....don't wait until you're ready to sell to make needed changes or upgrades to your home.  Enjoy those perks while you're there!  I'm definitely starting to have soon-to-be-seller's-remorse, now that we're prettying this house up. *tear*

Have a great week!  And if you haven't already--make sure to VOTE tomorrow!!!  It is our civic DUTY!!

Pink & Tan

In the summer, my style is a bit more bohemian.  I find in the fall and winter, I tend to get slightly more preppy with the sweaters, boots, jackets, hats--it's kind of hard not too.  I really don't care what "genre" it falls into, as long as it's cute and warm!

Hat - random boutique in Miami
Cord Blazer - Old Navy (old)
Shirt - random
Jeans - UO
Booties - Target

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!  My thoughts are with any of you who have been affected by hurricane Sandy. xoxo