Insta-Me: The latest snaps

Happy Friday, everyone.  I think we all are looking forward to the 3-day weekend, no?  There are a lot of events going on in Atlanta this weekend, so I'm preparing for some fun!  Anyway, this Friday's post is just an Instagram recap....

1.  Me and the high bun--how I've been wearing my hair a lot lately.  The fuzzy roots prove that I'd worked out!
2.  The awesome burger I'd had at Grindhouse Killer Burgers.  It was slathered with blue cheese and topped with bacon.
3.  The boys at the park.  Check out Max's face--is it obvious that he's reluctantly sharing that ball?
4.  The September issue.  It's massive!

Have a great weekend!  Can't wait to see/hear about what all of you have planned!

Red. Yellow. Green. Black.

Remember this skirt?  I finally decided to wear it this past weekend while having eats & drinks with a friend.  I think it complemented the wild hair pretty well--adding to the bohemian look. haha

One thing I do love about this skirt are the colors.  The richness of them definitely allows it to be wearable all seasons.  I can easily picture it with a big sweater and granny/combat boots in the winter.

Anyway, hope everyone has an awesome Monday. :)

Tank - Bebe (old)
Skirt - Thrifted
Necklace & Bangle - F21

New *Notable*Favorite

It's Friday!!! Yay!!!  And for the record, yes, even stay-at-home-moms celebrate Friday.  You know why?  Because that means daddy is home with us, which equals (for me) another set of eyes, ears and hands in dealing with these kiddos.

Because it's Friday, I thought I'd do a quick list of my week's new/notable/favorite things.  I haven't done a "Favorite Things" post in quite some time, so here we go...

{New*Notable} Okay, this summer has been the summer of wine.  Let me elaborate.  I am a wine lover (check the bio), but I've really only been a regular drinker of reds...Merlot, Cab, Pinot Noir, Shiraz (hubby's fave), etc.  Well, when the weather turned hot warm this year, I decided that I would make an effort to get to know some white wines.  And I'm not talking Reislings and Moscatos (come on, who doesn't love those sweet little guys).  So in my quest, by trial and error--I've found some favorites.  Looks like my favorite whites are Pinot Grigio and Vinho Verde (Trader Joe's sells an awesome one).  I like these whites because they are crisp, with slight fruity undertones and not too dry.  Anyhoo--I happened to be grocery shopping the other day and stumbled upon a rosé Vinho Verde.  Now I can't say that I think it tastes that much better or different, but hey it's a pretty color, so I'm for it!

{New} While in Marshalls, I picked up this tea you see here.  Have I ever mentioned, that whenever I'm shopping in TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Ross that I LOVE to check out their little "grocery" section?  They always have the most random/odd/cool but tasty stuff.  Too be honest, the sexy packaging caught my eye which is why I grabbed this "slimming tea".  Hey, even though I'm already slim, I'm always on the look out for things that will help me stay that way.  I saw that it was an açaí berry tea--which is what really peaked my interest.  I'm sure you know all about the whole açaí berry craze.  I have to admit, it has a girl curious.  Anyway, I'll be sure to keep you guys posted as to whether this stuff gets me any slimmer.

{Favorite} Last, and certainly not least, literally--this is the most expensive thing in this post...  LEOPARD BOOTIES!  I'd happened to be perusing some online shopping sites, when I happened upon these Sam Edelman leopard print calf-haired booties.  I don't know, they just spoke to me.  What did they say, you ask?  They said "Nik, you need us..."  A few days later, the UPS man came a' knockin'.  Yea yea, there are PLENTY of leopard bootie options out here.  I chose these because...let me not lie to you all--the heel is only 3 inches.  So, I know they won't have my dogs barking within a couple hours.  These days, I haven't really found too many 3-inch heels sexy, but these I feel are because the leopard adds so much "drama" to the boot.  Not to mention, I kind of like the "retro" vibe the heel gives.  Let me tell you, I will be wearing these with EVERYTHING.  You have been warned.

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!


Biloxi Blues...

So, this past Friday, me and the family took a quick trip down to the Gulf Coast city of Biloxi, MS.  The hubs had some work to take care of there, and me the kids tagged along to check out the little town of Bilox/Gulfport as I'd never been there.  While he worked, we played.  Max didn't mind the murky water at all and was all in it.  Cruz, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with it.  Notice he's right on the edge of the water--that's as close as I could coax him to get, and he is a water lover (pool, clear Bahamian waters, etc.)!  So I know it has to be the color. lol  I won't bore you with a lot of talk, but I will say that brown ocean aside--the place is beautiful, and the people are so friendly!

Happy Monday!

This post is part of Mom's Monday Mingle.  Click the button to the right to find out more!

A few snaps--Birthday Celebration

Happy Friday everyone!!  I was planning on posting today (because I'm challenging myself to post more often), but couldn't really decide to what to post.  So today, I'm being lazy and will just share with you a few snaps of a birthday dinner for one of my besties.  She usually has bigger affairs, but this time opted for a nice intimate dinner with some of her favorite people. :)  Anyway, we had dinner at Sotto Sotto, a really quaint Italian restaurant in Inman Park (a nice trendy neighborhood in Atlanta).  The food was dee-lish.

A great time was had by all.

Have a great weekend!

Two New Recipes to Try

Just thought I'd do a quick post on two dishes that I've made this week that are share-worthy.  One I'd gotten from Pinterest, and the other from a blog that I follow.

Above is a pic of the Taco Pizza recipe I'd stumbled upon on Pinterest.  It was pretty yummy, and a great way to switch things up as far as pizza goes.  It's really easy, and I suggest you give it a try!

Last, is this Lentil & Kale dish that was posted on a blog that I follow (and you should probably follow too).  If you've spent any time on the interwebs, you know that kale is all the rage as well lentils.  There's like a big "healthy eating" movement going on, and it's a good thing because it yields us recipes like this one.  Me personally, I love lentils and was very open to trying a new recipe, especially one that is made in my boo crock pot.  I enjoyed this as a side dish.  Also, in the recipe, it calls for 3 cups of broth--I used 4.  Just an FYI.  So if you are also on the healthy eating movement and want a dish that's packed with lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  I suggest you give this a try!

Happy Hump Day!

Alert: Change is good...

Hey guys, just want to let you know that I'm changing the name of my blog (yes again) really soon.  I feel like my blog needs a name that fully embodies its content, or gets as close to it as possible.  That's one thing I've learned is important in this blog world.  Anyway, if you are a reader and plan to continue to be---make sure to subscribe to my blog via Google Friend Connect (over on the right side of the blog)!  When I change the domain, it will automatically update if you are subscribed through GFC.  If you are subscribed through a RSS feed reader, you will no longer get new posts in your feed.

Thx for your understanding!

P.S.  Or follow me on TWITTER, and I'll will post the new domain link for the blog when it is changed.

Green Curry Shrimp

Well, it's been quite a while since my last recipe post.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still cooking up a storm and trying different recipes on the reg.

I haven't posted any recipes in a while because I'd really hadn't come across anything that had really excited me.  So one day, I'd happened to turn to that television show "The Chew" by accident, and this was one of the dishes that was featured.

By the way, have I mentioned that I LOVE Thai food?  So if you're like me in that aspect, I suggest you give this recipe a try.  It is VERY simple to make.  And as far as the "green curry paste" listed in the ingredients, you can find it at some specialty stores, Asian market--or do what I did, ordered it off of (Mae Ploy Thai Green Curry Paste).

Green Curry Shrimp

    1 cup Onion (sliced)
    1 Medium red bell pepper (thinly sliced)
    2-3 tablespoons Peanut Oil
    8-10 Scallions (both green and white parts chopped)
    2 tablespoons Thai green curry paste
    14 ounce Unsweetened coconut milk
    1 cup Low sodium chicken broth
    3 tablespoons Fish sauce
    2 teaspoons Sugar
    2 cups String beans (blanched)
    1.5 pound Shrimp (cleaned and deveined)
    2 tablespoon Thai basil (chopped)
    1 Lime (cut into wedges for garnish)
    2 cups White rice


Heat peanut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.  Add sliced onion and thinly sliced medium red bell pepper.  Saute until soft and beginning to brown. 
Reduce heat and add chopped scallions and Thai green curry paste. Stir until everything is incorporated, about 30 seconds. 
Add can of unsweetened coconut milk, low sodium chicken or vegetable broth, fish sauce and sugar, then bring to a boil.  Add blanched string beans and boil 1-2 minutes.  

Add cleaned and deveined shrimp and cook until they are done, stirring frequently. At the last minute stir in chopped Thai basil. Serve over rice with lime wedges. 

Tips & Mods:
I used frozen "French style" green beans, and I didn't blanche them first.  It was perfect.  They are sliced thin.  If you use whole green beans, you will want to blanche them first, I'm sure.

I forgot one of the main ingredients--the basil.  I had it, just was so focused on everything else, forgot to add it. lol  The dish was still great--so I know, if I'd added the basil like I was suppose to would have been to die for.  So don't be like me.  Don't forget the basil!!!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!

Recipe courtesy of The Chew.

Pop of Orange

Yesterday evening, I went out to have a "few" drinks with friends to celebrate recent birthdays (including mine).  We hung out at our usual Sunday spot, Loca Luna, which is always a blast.  It's an indoor/outdoor venue with live music, dj, and fantastic drinks.  So this is what I threw on...

Top: F21
Shorts: Express
Shoes: Random brand from TJ Maxx
Necklace: Charlotte Russe

Of course, the highlight for me was this awesome orange-ish necklace I'd gotten from Charlotte Russe about a month ago. It was only 5 bucks!  It seems to be a knock-off version of some more expensive brands I've seen online.  At 5 bucks, I like mine better.

Happy Monday!

Hair Babble: Update!

So for the past few months, I've been slowly taking inches off of my hair.  I've been pretty unhappy with my hair (a) because the detangling was just getting too hard to manage, (b) whenever I wore curly styles I just felt like it was too much hair and hated that I could feel it "touching" me, and (c) when straight it just felt pretty boring.

Welllll, I eventually made one last trim and am now (what the hair boards call) APL (arm-pit length).  I am so happy!  I feel like I have new hair!  It looks thicker, has lots of body when straight--and curly it's right above my shoulders and is no longer touching me!  Detangling is snap too.  It's amazing the difference 4-5 inches can make.  Oh, and when I put my hair in a ponytail--my puff looks a little more like a real "puff".  So for now, I am happy. :)

This is the length straight--shortly after I'd cut it.  For reference, my hair use to cover the boobies.

This shows the length curly:

I'm happy about the curly "bob" look!  Who knows, maybe I'll let it grow back as the weather gets cooler in the Fall, for now I'm sticking with this!  Anyway, have a great week!

Grand time in Grand Bahama

Hey all!  Sorry for lack of posts, but I just got back from visiting some of my husband's family in Freeport, Grand Bahama!  A trip was in order for me and the youngest babe's birthdays.  Mine is the 17th and his is the 19th--shout out to all my Cancer readers out there!  We thought it would be nice to celebrate over there, not to mention, there were still people on that side of hub's fam that hadn't seen the baby.  We had a great time.  I'll leave ya with few beach pics, since that is a major highlight of the trip, especially to Max.  :)

Have a great Monday!

Goodwill Hunting: Vol. 1

Hey gals (and guys, maybe)!  Hope you guys had a great weekend.  I'd happened to go thrifting with one of my girlfriends on Saturday and thought I'd share some of my favorite finds.  Every time I hit up my local Goodwill or Salvation Army, I always walk out with some really good stuff, which leaves me thinking "why don't I come here more often???".  So I've decided to get back to thrifting more often and will share my finds with you all.

First up, I snagged this tea cup & saucers set.  I'm assuming they're vintage.  I love the mint green color and the angel fish imprint.  Come on, who doesn't love angel fish?

Second, I found this awesome, awesome, awesome ethnic print wrap skirt.  It has a nice A-line shape and it reaches all the way to the floor (depending on how low slung I wear it).  Not only is the print awesome--it has pockets!  So chic.  I'm just giving you a sneak peak because I plan to do an outfit post showcasing it soon.

 And last, I was on the search for a pair of baggy Levi jeans that I thought I'd cut into "boyfriend shorts".  I ran across these and I love them so much, that I wouldn't even think of taking any scissors to them.  So I guess I have a new pair of boyfriend JEANS.

The tea cups cost me 5 bucks, the skirt was $6, and the jeans were $7.  I also bought an Indian tunic and another pair of jeans (J.Crew brand).  All in all, my "Goodwill hunting" was a total success.  Can't wait until my next excursion!

Happy hump day!

Happy Birthday USA!

I realized today, that I don't have very many clothes that would make a nice, quirky Independence Day outfit.  I decided to just go with something as Americana as one could get--a white shirt and cut-off Levi shorts.  The red sandals are by Coach--which will probably be switched out to a pair of red Puma sneakers by the end of the day.  Hope you all enjoy the holiday!  And be careful with those fireworks! :)

It's officially summer...

...and during this time, I LIVE in rompers.  Just a great item to throw on and have an instant "outfit".  I buy them from everywhere--F21, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Wet Seal, eBay, etc.  The cheaper the better.  Plus, a lot of them are actually cheaper than buying a top and bottom from said places.  So even more incentive!  Now going to the bathroom is another story...

Romper - F21
Shoes - Steve Madden
Straw Clutch - Handmade from The Bahamas!