Ready For Spring-->My Anthropologie Wish List

About 2 weeks ago, to my delight I received an Anthropologie catalog in the mail.  I am a very big fan of Anthropologie's style "aesthetic" as I feel it embodies a big part of my style, i.e. feminine, bohemian, etc.  I don't buy things too often because of their fairly high price point (though they have great sales!)--so I tend to use them as inspiration.  I do however feel they are always on point with accessories (bags and shoes), and definitely feel it's okay to spend on those guilt free.  A good bag or shoe can last a lifetime.

Here are my Spring must-haves from this awesome retailer:


Hair Today: The Wash N Go

Hey ladies!  Just thought I'd do a quick post of how I'm wearing my hair today.  I haven't done any updates since the last because I have been very lazy with my hair.  I blame it on the weather, and the fact that because our temps here in Atlanta are still below average--I rarely feel like leaving the house.  So why do the hair? haha

Oh yes, I did henna+indigo.  Now, I do love henna, but the jury is still out on the indigo part.  My hair is darker, not super jet black, which after the fact I am kind of glad it's not.  I understand that getting that super black color with indigo requires a cumulative build-up of it.  Meaning, I would have to do it several times for it to "build up".  Well, I don't think I will be doing this.  I feel like the indigo was just a bit too messy.  I may just stick to Natural Instincts which fades slightly over time, and also gives me the option of lightening it, if I get the whim.

So here is today's wash-n-go:

Products used:

Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner
Coconut Oil
Eco-Styler Olive Oil Gel
Castor Oil

Tools used:

Wide Toothed Comb
Blowdryer with Diffuser Attachment
2 small clips

What I did:

I co-washed in the shower and detangled with a wide tooth comb.  I rinsed out the conditioner and once out of the shower, I reapplied the TJ's conditioner through my hair lightly.  Second, I applied coconut oil throughout my hair.  Third, I applied a dab of the Eco-Styler through my hair in 4 sections.  I finished off by applying a dab of castor oil to the ends.  Next, I diffused my hair on medium heat (warm) for about 15 min, leaving it to airdry the rest of the way.  And this is what I got.  As you can see, I pinned my bangs back with 2 small clips.  My bangs aren't quite at the length I want them to be for me to wear the "curly bangs" look.  Also, I only used the wide-toothed comb IN THE SHOWER.  I do not comb through my hair at all once out of the shower as I feel it disturbs the curls and the "clumping".

Thanks for reading!


Preggy Update!

I'm officially 14 weeks pregnant and am in my 2nd trimester!!  Woohoo!  So during the 2nd trimester, morning sickness should disappear and I should begin to regain my energy.  So hopefully, this means more posts and videos to come!  Here are a couple pics of my "progress":

10 weeks pregnant

14 weeks pregnant

Can you see the difference?  I definitely can.

Also, because of my pregnancy, I trying to be more careful about what I put in and on my body.  So, instead of using commercial hair dyes--I've decided to henna and indigo my hair this week.  I have henna'd in the past, but this will be my first time using indigo.  I'll will definitely document the process and do a post on it.  After I finish with the henna + indigo process, I will more than likely rollerset.  This time I will record that process as well and post a tutorial.  I look forward to shiny black hair with no harsh chemicals!

Since I already happened to have henna on hand, I went ahead and did that last night.  I'm expecting my indigo to arrive this week and will follow up with that step when I get it.  For now, here are pics of my henna'd hair.  You can kind of see the reddish tint.  Hmmm, maybe I'll keep it like this for another month and just indigo next month.  Because of how great my hair feels after doing this henna treatment--I've decided to do a treatment once ever 1-2 months.  Here are the pics:


Rollerset on Natural Hair

Since I've decided to leave the flat iron alone for the rest of the winter, I decided to rollerset my hair yesterday. I used the jumbo snap-on purple magnetic rollers. Once I took the rollers out, I combed my hair out and put my hair in a bun (one big bantu knot) at the top of my head. I tied a scarf around my head to help the roots flatten overnight and this is how it turned out. Oh, and the only products used was CO (maybe a bit too much haha ), Salerm 21, and some kind of wrap foam (in place of setting lotion). I think I will do this from now on to get straight-er hair while it's still nice and cool outside.


It's Official...

...there is a baby in my tummy!  Looks like #2 is on the way.

So, I'm just warning you guys that this blog is going to take a slight turn topic-wise because of my "condition".  I doubt I will buy (or even be interested in, for that matter) in fashion for a little while--well, maybe except for shoes. haha  I guess I could do some maternity style posts a later on...  So I'm going to focus more on natural hair, specifically mine, which I think may be what a lot of you would rather see anyway, a little beauty, also my domestic stuff and any other thing that tickles my fancy.  I do what I want!

New hair post coming soon!

Just checking in...

Just thought I'd check in.  I've been busy because of the holidays and such.  Not to mention, I haven't been feeling well.

Anyway, I've decided to grow my bangs back out already.  I always do this--I'm very wishy-washy when it comes to my hair.  I think I'm bored with wearing my hair straight, and these bangs when curly = no bueno.  They are wayyyy too short. lol

I plan to do some more hair posts soon for all my fellow kinky-curlies.  Stay tuned!

Out and About: Little Five Points

This past weekend, me and friend went out to a really popular area here in Atlanta called Little Five Points to take some photos.  "Little Five" is an area well known not only for it's "eclectic" crowd, but also for it's unique shops.  There are so many small boutiques that sell everything you can think of, and not have to worry about seeing someone else in the same thing a day later.  There is also very good vintage shopping.  Scattered amongst the shops and boutiques are fun little eateries as well.  I like to think of it as the Melrose of Atlanta.

Like I'd mentioned, me and my friend were there to take some photographs of her for a future blog that she is working on.  Seeing that I am (in my own mind) a budding photographer, I was quite honored to be asked to take on this task.   We got a lot of great shots.  I also took a couple shots of the atmosphere of Little Five to share with you all.



American Apparel is the only "chain" store in the area.



Friday Inspiration: Halle Berry Streetstyle

Everybody in the world knows that  Halle Berry (one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood) kills the red carpet on any day of the week, but I don't think many realize how stylish Ms. Berry is when she is just "out and about" doing her thing.  The lady knows how to "work" a boot.  She has awesome streetstyle.  Always casual, comfy and oh so cool.

Photos courtesy of TFS & Just Jared

Tiny Flowers

I was on my way to a casual gathering celebrating the wedding (that happened in Puerto Rico a week prior) of a lovely couple that I happen to know. It is such a special thing to see two people make such a serious commitment to each other. The night was filled with great food and even more fun! Congrats again to the Mr. & Mrs. Ananse!

Party Snap!

shirt - thrifted
jeans - F21
boots - Aldo
belt - F21

In the Kitch: Shrimp & Lobster Gumbo

Now that the cooler--who am I kidding, I mean COLDER temperatures are among us, it usually inspires me to make more "comfort" kind of foods.  Things like stews, soups, chili, etc., are great for warming us up during the winter months.  Last week, I'd decided to make a gumbo.  There are many variations and types of gumbos that one can make.  I chose to make a gumbo using some frozen lobster that my grandmother-in-law had left at my house from her last visit here.  I decided to use The Neelys "Nana's Chicken Gumbo" recipe that I'd made before and just substitute the chicken with the lobster.  The first time I'd made it exactly as the recipe called for--me and my husband thought that the chicken wasn't all that great, that it would be better to keep it all seafood.  So that's what I did this time around.

Nana's Chicken & Seafood Gumbo


    * 1/2 cup vegetable oil
    * 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
    * 1 celery stalk, chopped
    * 1 yellow onion, chopped
    * 1 green bell pepper, chopped
    * 2 cloves garlic
    * 8 cups chicken stock
    * 1/4 cup ketchup
    * 2 large tomato, diced
    * 1 pound sliced okra
    * 1 cup chopped cooked chicken
    * 1 pound lump crabmeat
    * 1 pound large shrimp
    * 1/2 lemon, juiced
    * Dash hot sauce (recommended: Tabasco)
    * Dash Worcestershire sauce


In a heavy Dutch oven, heat oil. Add the flour and stir and cook until the mixture darkens to a brown color, about the shade of peanut butter. Add the celery, onion, green bell pepper and garlic and saute until tender.

Whisk in chicken stock, add the ketchup, chopped tomato, and okra. Let simmer for 2 1/2 hours. About 10 minutes before serving time add cooked chicken, crabmeat and shrimp and simmer. Add lemon juice, hot sauce and Worcestershire.

If you're not into chopping veggies, this is not the meal for you.

onion * celery * green pepper * okra

tomato * garlic

flour and oil--cook until the color of peanut butter.

added chicken stock, ketchup and all of the veggies

thawed shrimp and lobster meat

toss in the meat and cook for 5 more minutes

Serve over rice.  Voila!

Whomever you serve this to will worship the ground you walk on.

Tips & Mods

- I didn't use crabmeat

- I used lobster instead of chicken.  Feel free to use any variation of seafood as you wish.  The last time I made this, I used chicken, shrimp & scallops.

- Go ahead and use full strength chicken stock.  I'd bought low sodium, no MSG chicken stock and my gumbo was tasting VERY bland.  I ended up adding more seasoning (2 chicken bouillon cubes) so I ended up with the sodium and MSG anyway. lol

- I didn't do this, but next time I will.  Add a little chopped habanero pepper--Bahamians call it goat pepper, Jamaicans call it scotch bonnet.  Whatever the case, gumbo is great if it has a little bit a kick.

- No need to cook it for 2.5 hours.  I think around 2 hours is enough.  Also, put your seafood in at the last 5 MINUTES.  Overcooked shrimp/lobster/scallops becomes rubbery!  Even after you turn off the stove, it will continue to cook some as the gumbo will still be very hot.

- Oh, and I used a bit more ketchup than the recipe called for--just a bit.

Hope you all enjoy!

“The only paradise is paradise lost.” ~Marcel Proust

Hope all of you had a fun Halloween!  I, on the other hand, didn't dress up or go out.  Why, you ask?  Well, my hubs surprised me with a quick to trip to the Bahamas--Nassau to be exact.  He needed to go for work, and me and baby just tagged along so that we could spend time with family.  My husband is from The Bahamas and all of his family are there.  Anyway, I made it back to Atlanta yesterday evening (Halloween) and I just didn't have the energy to do anything because of a heavy night of partying on Saturday night.  Of course, I will share a few snaps.  Enjoy!

My grandmother-in-law has the most amazing flowers in her yard.

Being silly on the roof of Fort Charlotte.

My favorite Bahamian beer.

Conch salad.  All I can say is yummmmmm....

My little rug rat had so much fun playing in the sand.

