Take it down a notch

This is an outfit I wore almost 2 weeks ago.  Me and the hubs were on our way to a birthday dinner for one of hubs' longtime friends.  I had gotten fully dressed, and just before we were about to walk out of the door--hubs mentioned the restaurant we were headed to. 

I'd assumed we were going somewhere fancy schmancy, but it turned out to be a CASUAL birthday dinner at one of the popular sports bar kind of hot spots.  Right away, I realized I was over dressed.  I initially had on heels with the ensemble that you see, by the way.

So, without even giving it a second thought, I took off the heels and put on my wedge sneakers.  I instantly fell in love with the look.  It gave it a little edge.

I know some would prefer to be over dressed, if they had to choose.  Unlike most people, I prefer to err on the side of dressed down.  It comes from some innate feeling I've always had of not looking like I am trying too hard, I guess.   Trust me, I've stolen the show at plenty of shindigs in my jeans while surrounded by a sea of club dresses.  I enjoy that. haha

Because the weather here in Atlanta has been up and down--and this was a "down" day, I threw on what I like to call my matrix coat and had a splendid night.

Top - Target // Pants - H&M // Sneakers - eBay // Bracelets - LaTra Chivon & F21

Have a Happy Hump Day!  And don't forget to enter the giveaway!  
The winner will be announced on Friday!