A Kansas Halloween
We're currently in Kansas City (actually Johnson County which is on the Kansas side) for a few days house hunting. We're hoping we find something we love as soon as possible so that when we make the move, we can skip the step of living in a corporate rental while we looking for said place to live. Because we just happened to be here on this date, I guess you can say this is officially our first Halloween spent in Kansas. We hung out with some friends and took the kiddos trick or treating! They had a blast. And if you couldn't tell, the little Power Rangers belong to me. They were accompanied by what I was calling, "The Princess and the Frog", but I think he was actually a dragon. haha And let's not forget Mr. Banana.
Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! This was the first Halloween in like 7 years that I didn't dress-up. So I intend to make-up for it next year, definitely. Cross fingers for us that we find our house!