
Black Floral 2PC Set - HERE // Booties - HERE

Fall is in the air.  Yes, the high temps here in Atlanta are still in the 90's...BUT in the mornings, you can feel Fall trying to creep in.  There's a slight coolness there, that wasn't before.  I hate to admit it (because I'm such a summer time girl), but I welcome it.  This summer has been pretty extreme, and I have to admit that I'm starting to look forward to Fall clothing.

Black Floral 2PC Set - HERE // Booties - HERE

So, now's the time when I'm shopping, I'm looking for pieces that will easily transition into Fall.  I haven't totally ditched buying summer fashions just yet, because right now the deals are too good.  So I just keep an eye out for those summer wears that are in nice deep, rich colors that can play double-duty for both seasons.

I'm also looking forward to the "all pumpkin everything" phase to hit as well.  I see many Starbucks pumpkin lattes in my future.

Happy Hump Day!