
Life can be so unpredictable at times, and boy did I learn that lesson in the past few weeks.  First, I lost my older brother to a motorcycle accident about 3 weeks ago.  He was hit by a drunk driver while on his way to work at 6:30AM in the morning.  Yea.  He was wearing a helmet and wasn't speeding, yet he is no longer here with us.

This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with--my family has had to deal with.  And as I've been in the darkest sorrow I've ever experienced, my husband gets a promotion 2 weeks later that is sending us back to ATLANTA in just a few weeks!  That bit of news was definitely a pick-me-up that I could use.

In these pictures, I'm wearing this Grecian style dress that is my new jam.  Can I tell you that I love this dress!?  It actually can be worn in many different ways.  The straps can be tied how ever you please.  I love the color scheme and it makes me feel like a tropical goddess.  If interested, you can get it HERE.

As most of you know, I lived in Atlanta for 7 years prior to coming to Kansas City.  I'm so excited to be going "home"!  I think after 7 years, 2 babies, and a marriage all happening there--it's safe to say that ATL is my home.  I'm also very happy that I'll be back in driving distance to my other favorite city, Miami.  

You know, it's crazy how a great year can turn into the worst year in life, in just a blink of an eye.  I realize that loss is a part of the cycle of life and we're (my family & I) all trying to get through this, because we have no other choice.  In the mean time, I'm just trying to focus on the silver linings.

Have a great weekend, guys.


Dress - c/o Belleza Blu (HERE)
Sandals - Old Navy
Sunglasses - F21 (old)