Blue Peplum

Momma's on a roll with the outfit posts lately, huh?!  Hope it's something you all enjoy.  Really, this is the highlight of this past weekend.  Not the outfit, but the fact that it was an awesome "date night" with my magnificent husband.  We don't have these nights as often as we should, so we try to make the most of it!

We did a bit of bar/lounge/restaurant hopping.  First stop was Frank Ski's Restaurant & Lounge, checked out a couple other places, but ended the night at the swank W Hotel Midtown.  It was a great night.

Top - F21
Jeans - Urban Outfitters
Necklace & bracelets - eBay
Shoes - Lulu's

What I find really funny, is that while owning a fancy schmancy camera--that above Instagram shot was my second favorite of the night.  The first being the photo of me and him, of course. :)  Also, how about that bun??!  Was the best one I'd done yet!

Anyway, hope your week has started off well!

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