Nikia Celeste

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Anyone out there still have one of these around??  Some of you may not even know what it is!  Only us 80's babies, perhaps.  And by "80's babies", I don't mean people born in the 80's, but who actually remember that decade.

Well, GOTCHA.  I don't have one laying around either.  It's my latest iPhone case.  Because I'm all about anything nostalgic and kitsch-y, I couldn't resist. Oh, and have I mentioned that yellow is my favorite color?


You know, now that I think about it--hubs does have a box of old reggae mix tapes put away somewhere in this house.  A BIG box, actually.  I live with a hoarder.  Anyway, this case can be found on eBay, and they come in an array of colors!  As you can tell, I buy lots of "random" stuff off of there.  I'm starting to even scour Etsy for knick-knacks.

Wait, maybe I'M a hoarder too. :^(

Anyway, happy Monday!