Be free where you are. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

 I saw this quote this morning and it really resonated with me.  I think people tend to think that being "free" or "free-spirited" means being who you are and doing whatever you want to do at all times.  In reality, we all have parameters, responsibilities and obligations that we have to adhere too.  Just because you work a corporate job or can't jet off to Thailand at a moments notice to "find yourself" does not mean you aren't free.  Where ever we are and whatever place in life that we are at, there is always some room for us to be the individual that makes us unique, and learning to find freedom even when still confined within those rules, obligations, responsibilities, etc. is what true maturity is.

Leopard top - Express (bought in the 90's. It's practically vintage!)
Skinny cargo pants - Old Navy
Pumps - Seychelles

Buy the cargos here:

Plus Sizes by Old Navy at ShopStyle

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