Nikia Celeste

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Italian Drunken Noodles

I thought I would share with you all the latest Pinterest recipe I've tried out and liked.  I was first attracted to the picture of the pin and then, of course, the name.  There's just something mouthwatering about the phrase " drunken noodles" for some reason.  So I gave it a go, and I have to say it was pretty good.  Don't take "pretty good" as a bad thing.  For me that just means, that it was tasty--tasty enough keep in rotation because of it's taste, ease, cost, etc.  It's like your typical weekly meal, and I will definitely make it again.

Italian drunken noodles

I did, however make a couple modifications.  First, as you can see from my photos, I used rotini pasta.  I only did this because I already had a box in my cupboard, and I also couldn't find the wide flat noodles that the recipe called for.  In the future, I WILL look for those noodles harder as I think it would create a "prettier" dish.

 The second mod, was that I added a little sugar to the dish (while cooking) to taste.  It's a habit of mine to add a bit of sugar to any tomato-based dish.  It cuts the tartness a bit and creates a more savory flavor, in my opinion.

I also intended to make this dish with turkey Italian sausage.  I instead picked up the regular pork variety by mistake.  So in the future I will use the turkey.  I don't have anything against pork.  I do try to eat it at a minimum, which means when I'm eating pork--I make it count (i.e. bacon & BBQ). *smile*  Also, this would have been even better topped with a little shaved Parmesan cheese!

Italian drunken noodles pinterest

So if you're on the hunt for a quick and easy week day meal.  Give it a try and tell me what you think.  The recipe can be found HERE.
