Nikia Celeste

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Not that I post on this here blog EVERYDAY, but still--have ya missed me??  I've been swamped with moving (still in ATL metro area).  Our house is officially on the market, and I couldn't take shacking up in the itty-bitty condo anymore, so now I'm officially a SURBURBAN housewife/mom!  We're about 20 minutes from downtown/midtown to be exact.  My hubs' commute to work has gone from 30+ minutes to about 10 minutes (if that).  Me and the kids' commute has gone from 15 minutes to 25 minutes (no highway driving!)--so it was a fair compromise seeing that we made him suffer for so long. haha  I'm really enjoying how calm everything is out here.  I don't have to fight the hustle and bustle of Atlanta just to take care of my "everyday" errands and such.  My local Publix is so nice and calm and there's practically never a line especially during working hours.  And lastly, I'm sure I don't even have to mention the SPACE and size of dwellings out here.  I am truly sold on #BurbLife as I like to tweet about.

Anyway, it took forever for our cable/internet to get cut on, but now I'm back in business.  More posts to come!