Nikia Celeste

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Hair Babble: Update!

So for the past few months, I've been slowly taking inches off of my hair.  I've been pretty unhappy with my hair (a) because the detangling was just getting too hard to manage, (b) whenever I wore curly styles I just felt like it was too much hair and hated that I could feel it "touching" me, and (c) when straight it just felt pretty boring.

Welllll, I eventually made one last trim and am now (what the hair boards call) APL (arm-pit length).  I am so happy!  I feel like I have new hair!  It looks thicker, has lots of body when straight--and curly it's right above my shoulders and is no longer touching me!  Detangling is snap too.  It's amazing the difference 4-5 inches can make.  Oh, and when I put my hair in a ponytail--my puff looks a little more like a real "puff".  So for now, I am happy. :)

This is the length straight--shortly after I'd cut it.  For reference, my hair use to cover the boobies.


This shows the length curly:

I'm happy about the curly "bob" look!  Who knows, maybe I'll let it grow back as the weather gets cooler in the Fall, for now I'm sticking with this!  Anyway, have a great week!