Nikia Celeste

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Places: Dip 'N Dab

Just thought I'd do a quick blog post on this fun little spot here in ATL that I'd happened to patron last week.  Apparently, this business concept is the new "in" thing, as I'd saw a couple places like this in Indianapolis when I was visiting my parents a few weeks ago. Dip 'N Dab is the name of the place and it's a quasi-art studio where you sign-up for a class to paint a particular painting all the while drinking wine and indulging in snacks.  It's BYOB (and snacks), so whatever you like to drink or eat--bring it along.  The price ranges from $25-35 and at the end of the 2-3 hour class, you've got a neat little painting to take home with you!

I've been on the quest to get some [cheap] art for my house, and found that everything I liked wasn't so cheap.  So a couple of my friends started going to Dip 'N Dab for fun and I had a light bulb moment--for 25 bucks, I could go paint, drink some wine and hopefully have a piece of art to hang in my home!  Or at the least, learn how to paint the painting and be able to recreate it on a bigger canvas of my liking.  So this past Thursday was my first practice run.  Groupon had happened to be running a deal on Dip 'N Dab--$12 for $25 worth of painting.  So basically $12 for a class.  I bought two, and dragged my sister along....


The paint bar

This is what we all are striving for...

Our tools and reinforcements. ;^)

I did okay on my yellow-y background...

Things started to get a bit more intricate...

We were fairly pleased. :)

All in all, we have fun.  I'm all for exploring other ways of having a good time besides partying it up in clubs & lounges, etc.  This was definitely a nice change of pace.  As you can see, I'm no Frida Kahlo--but I had fun painting and I think I'm going to try to recreate this painting on a larger canvas and hang it in my house.  We'll see....  I definitely plan to take more classes!

There is also another place in town like Dip 'N Dab called Art a la Carte.  If any of you ATLiens are interested, I've provided links below.

Dip 'N Dab
Art a la Carte
